Page 44 of The Christmas Cottage
“It’s not Christmas until tomorrow. Let’s see who is the faster man.” And then Baird took off, at a full sprint, and then Alec came charging, dogs dashing ahead of them, and they ran hard, running until they were breathless and laughing and because Baird never took chances, and he didn’t like to lose, Baird ran sideways into Alec, knocking him hard to his feet to ensure Alec couldn’t win.
Alec howled in outrage. The dogs danced around barking. Baird dropped to the frosty ground next to Alec laughing hard. “Oh, that was fun. Should we do it again?”
Alec glowered at Baird. “Only if you want me to send you flying.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Alec threw himself on top of Baird and they were wrestling on the crunchy grass as if boys again. They’d always been evenly matched in terms of strength and Alec, despite the stressful past few weeks, held his own against Baird, who outweighed him by a stone or more. Neither could completely defeat the other. They took turns getting the upper hand only to lose it again. Finally, they were both worn out, and they lay back on the ground staring up at the blue sky.
“You’re a good friend,” Baird said to Alec.
“No, you’re the good friend,” Alec returned. “Thank you for taking care of things here while I was in London.”
“Anything, anytime,” Baird answered sitting up and brushing the dried twigs and leaves from his shoulders and back.
“Did Ella like the surprise last night when you got home from Chesterfield?” Alec asked, sitting up, too.
“She did. Thank you so much for arranging that. We’d had a strange conversation at the restaurant and then we came home to the decorated cottage and it helped.”
Alec eyed him as he got to his feet. “It was your idea.”
Baird rose, too. “I couldn’t have pulled it off without help. Who did all the work? I want to take care of them.”
“Mrs. Booth’s kids and, Darren, Mr. Trimble’s assistant, did most of it. I drove Cara down so she could see.” Alec shook his head. “You made her cry. She was so touched that you’d plan a surprise like that for Ella.”
“But Ella isn’t to know. This isn’t about me. It’s about making her Christmas here special.”
“Understood. We’re keeping your secret. Our lips are sealed.”
Baird returned to the cottage to shower and found Ella sitting in the cottage next to the Christmas tree. She had made herself coffee and beamed at him when he entered.
“Isn’t this just so lovely?” she said happily, reaching out to lightly touch one of the tree branches. “I don’t even want to go up to the house now.”
“Your sister would be disappointed.”
“I know. But you have to admit this is adorable. A cottage Christmas. It’s just perfect.”
Baird smiled at her. “I have to shower, but let me know when you’re ready to go to the house, and I’ll go with you.”
She nodded, and he paused to take one last look at her curled up in the chair gently touching the tree, her fingertip brushing the needles.
It felt good to have made her happy.
Ella sat onthe top step in the shadows of the upper landing, listening to Baird sing in the shower. She’d never heard him even hum before, and to hear him in the bathroom, singing the most achingly beautiful song, made her creep up the stairs to listen.
He had a gorgeous voice. Who knew? It was deep and textured, and he sang with emotion, so much emotion. It wasn’t a song she’d heard before, and she didn’t know if it was a hymn or a carol, but her eyes teared listening to him. She didn’t want him to stop.
Last night had been intense, and then they’d returned to the beautifully decorated cottage, and she hadn’t known what to think or feel. The decorations had been lovely, and it had been such a sweet surprise from Alec and Cara, but Baird signing this particular melody completely undid her.
How to be angry with him?
How to wish he was someone else?
How to wish he’d make different choices?
She didn’t want to change him. She didn’t want him to be anyone but himself, but it hurt knowing they weren’t going to be more than what they were.