Page 18 of The Christmas Cottage
“With the money.”
“With the money,” Baird’s agreed, voice deepening. “Alec is breaking the news to his clients today. He’s personally calling each and explaining the situation, hoping to speak to everyone before it’s headline news.”
“I can’t believe it. Alec is so cautious, so careful, so conscientious.”
“It is devastating. It impacts him, the firm, the family’s reputation.”
“And you said Alec has also lost money?”
“A significant amount, yes.”
“Just one more reason there can’t be a party here on Saturday. The news could break Friday, or Saturday—”
“Or tonight.”
“There’s no way we can put Alec through that. It would be excruciating.” Ella’s stomach churned, nauseous just thinking about it. No wonder Alec wasn’t home. She also understood now why Baird was here. Alec was entrusting Baird to take care of his family until he could return. “We have to cancel the party. There’s no excuse now, not when we know what Alec’s dealing with.”
“I agree. But your sister has been adamant.”
“That’s because she doesn’t know the truth, and if she knew the truth, she’d put a stop to the party immediately.” Ella stopped walking and Baird did, too. They faced each other beneath the dappled shade of the stately oak trees.
“But as we’ve agreed,” Ella continued, “we can’t tell her, so we just have to make the decisions that need to be made. We have to go back to the house and talk with the staff. We need to enlist their help and get the event cancelled while we have time to get the word out.”
They’d walked down a road and passed a number of cottages before coming to the end.
“If you continue through the gates,” Baird said, pointing to where the road disappeared through tall gates, “you are just outside Bakewell. Continue along the path that follows the road and you’ll be in town in no time.”
“No excuse for me to get lost then,” she answered.
“None at all.” Baird whistled, calling for Milo and Albert, and the labs came running. They turned around then and began the walk to the house.
When the house came into view, Ella removed Lady’s leash, too, and all three dogs went bounding up the sweeping drive toward the mudroom door before Lady stopped and turned to look at the humans.
In the mudroom, Baird hung up the leashes and washed his hands in the small bathroom.
“Shall we gather the troops?” Ella asked, washing her hands next. “Come up with our battle plan?”
He nodded. “I think so.”
Ella and Bairdjoined Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Booth in the kitchen. Mrs. Booth had made a pot of tea, and they sat on the counter stools around the oversized marble island to talk. “Alec is in a situation,” Ella said bluntly. “Cara doesn’t know about it yet, but from what Baird shared, there is no way Alec and Cara can entertain neighbors on Saturday. Baird and I agree that the party must be cancelled, or at the very least, postponed, but we don’t have the guest list and we’re unable to take the next steps without you.”
“Her ladyship shouldn’t be entertaining anyone,” Mrs. Booth said, voice firm. “I’ve been worried about hosting a party here, on top of Lord Sherbourne’s family arriving.”
“Mrs. Booth and I can split the guest list,” Mrs. Johnson added. “If we divide and conquer, we should have it done by noon.”
“We need to break the news to Cara,” Baird added. “And then maybe take her out, do something to help distract her. She hasn’t been downstairs once since I arrived, and a change of scenery and fresh air would lift her spirits.”
Ella nodded. “I bet she’d like that. I’ll go talk to her. I’ll tell her that we’ve decided—thatI’vedecided—it’s not in her best interest to try to entertain people, not when she’s supposed to be taking it easy. She won’t like it. Cara looks sweet but is incredibly stubborn. But I know how to make her listen.”
“I’ll threaten to call Mom and Cara would hate that. She hates when Mom fusses over her.”
“And you don’t?”
Ella shrugged. “They never really fussed over me. I never caused any problems. I just did what I needed to do.”