Page 11 of The Christmas Cottage
“I’d go so far as to say there’s a definitething.”
“You mean,nothing.” Ella glanced around looking for a proper bed tray for Cara’s dinner. “What do you usually eat on?”
“I just balance on my lap.”
“But what if it’s hot? Or it spills?” Ella emptied the big tray, placed it across Cara’s lap and then put her dinner plate on the tray. “That’s better.”
“Thank you,” Cara said. “Now, as we were discussing Baird—”
“But we weren’t.” Ella sat down in a chair near Cara, balancing her own plate on her knee. “And we shouldn’t. I know he’s Alec’s best friend, but he and I didn’t get along at the wedding. We just rubbed each other the wrong way.”
“Mrs. Booth made it sound like you’re sharing the cottage with him.” Cara’s blue eyes were wide, her expression ingenuous. “Did I misunderstand her?”
“Isn’t that going to be problematic considering yourubeach other the wrong way?”
Ella heard how her sister emphasized the word rub and wondered if Cara knew what happened between Ella and Baird at the reception, but if that was true, why wouldn’t Cara have mentioned it before? Cara had never been able to keep that a secret. Ella might not have a poker face, but Cara could be counted on blurting things, particularly juicy things.
Ella took a bite of the roasted potatoes and chewed. They were delicious. Melt in your mouth delicious. “This is what happened, and there’s really no problem. You promised me the cottage. Alec promised Baird the cottage. Baird refused to move out, and I wasn’t going to give in. I’ve been excited about staying there since you invited me after the wedding. If Baird is miserable, he can stay in the guest wing here.”
Cara just smiled. “So, what bedroom did you choose?”
“The second one that faces the house. The green and pink room.”
“And Baird?”
“The bedroom at the end, that faces the same view. But I don’t know what his room looks like, I haven’t seen it.” Ella stabbed another crispy potato. “I need you to tell me the truth.”
“Were you hoping I would stay here, in the house, with you? Baird said that Alec said I was supposed to. If you want me here, I’ll come back tonight. I just never got that impression—”
“Because you’re supposed to be in the cottage. And when Aunt Emma and Aunt Dorothy arrive on Friday, they’ll be here on this floor, and it’s fine for them to share the bath, but I don’t think it would be comfortable for the three of you to share. There was another one but we’re shifting things around, trying to make room for the new elevator and so we don’t have the space, and facilities, we normally do. Hopefully by next Christmas, the elevator will work.”
“And the third bathroom?”
“Will be carved from one of the old dressing rooms.” Cara cut her chicken breast into small bites. “I am anxious for Alec to return, though. He was supposed to come home last weekend—he always returns on weekends—but he couldn’t, not with work. I haven’t seen him since the tenth, which is so long for us.”
“And you don’t want to be in London with him?”
“It’s better to be at Langley Park. I enjoy London when I can walk and shop and explore, but stuck in bed? No, this is more comfortable, especially with the dogs.”
Ella set her plate on the nightstand. “Are you really going through with this party? It seems so stressful just before Christmas.”
“The staff are doing so much of the work. Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Johnson have the cleaning and prep in hand. The aunts’ bedrooms are ready. They share a suite just down the hall. Uncle Frederick’s suite is on the ground floor off the mudroom. The mudroom is probably the door you use when you leave the house to go to the cottage, and then when you return. It’s where everyone hangs their coats and rubber boots, the dog leashes and more.
“I am familiar with it.”
“I tried to order a few gifts online, but they haven’t arrived yet and might not come now until January. If the gifts aren’t here by late Friday, would you be willing to do some shopping for me on Saturday?”
“Before the party?”
“It would just mean popping into Bakewell. You could walk there and then take a cab home, or even arrange to have packages picked up. Everyone in town knows Langley Park. Shops would be happy to deliver packages if need be.”
“They won’t know me, though.”
“They’ll know you’re my American sister. There won’t be any problem.” Cara chewed her lip, suddenly pensive. “Did Baird mention anything about Alec’s work?”