Page 92 of The Lovely Return
I also let Penny borrow my new car a few times a week. Every time I get in it, the scent of her perfume makes me crazy, missing her.
“I’m going to text you a list of what to get,” I tell Lily, who’s back to typing on her phone. “Use my credit card.”
Thankfully, Penny’s idea of special commissions has really paid off because I’m more financially stable than I’ve ever been. This is good because I’m sure this one night of camping is going to set me back at least a grand. After tonight, the tents will probably sit in storage forever, but it’s worth it if it’s going to make them happy.
“How were you planning on setting this tent up if I wasn’t here?” I chew on the toothpick hanging from my lips. “Since you’ve been on your phone nonstop? Camping means no technology.”
Penny drops the sleeping bag she was cutting price tags off of. “I’ll help,” she says quickly.
“You’re doing something and you put the food in the cooler. She’s been glued to her phone.” I look over at my daughter. “And who are you texting, anyway? Penny’s right here.”
“I have friends other than Penny,” Lily says defensively, shoving her phone in her pocket. “I’m sorry I got distracted. I’ll help now.”
Penny and I share a discreet, confused look. I love that Lily is being more social, but this is the first I’ve heard of any other friends. I wouldn’t mind if it was the kid who took her to the prom. He seemed harmless.
An hour later we’ve got two crooked tents up near the lake, twenty feet apart, so they can pretend I’m not hovering. At least, I think Lily wants to pretend I’m not here. Penny is a different story. Ever since I took my T-shirt off earlier, her eyes haven’t left me. I’m trying like hell to ignore the longing behind those sky-high lashes, but she’s making me want all sorts of things I shouldn’t be wanting.
This was probably a bad idea.
Just before dusk, I put my shirt back on and light a small bonfire. We roast hot dogs while sitting on the folding chairs Lily bought. Mine is crooked and leans to the side.
“Isn’t it weird how they taste so much better out here than when we cook them inside?” Lily asks.
“This is nothing,” I answer. “Wait ’til you taste the marshmallows.”
“I’m really liking this,” she says. “Maybe we should go on a real camping trip up in the mountains for a few days.”
“You’re forgetting you won’t be able to run inside to use the bathroom. Or use your hair straightener. Or take an hour-long hot shower. Not to mention your phone reception will be sketchy.”
Lily laughs. “Valid points. Maybe we’ll just stick to camping in the yard, then.”
Penny suddenly looks up at the sky. “Was that a bat or a bird that just flew over us?”
I didn’t see anything. “Bats fly erratically. Birds fly straight.”
She’s still staring up. “I think it was flying straight. If it was a bat, would it attack us?”
“I won’t let anything hurt you,” I say a little too quickly, then add, “But don’t worry—bats only attack people in movies.”
“I love bats. They’re like little black Chihuahuas with wings,” Lily exclaims. “I don’t think it’s dark enough for them to be out yet. It was probably a bird or a moth.”
Penny hugs herself and continues to peer warily at the sky. If things were different, I’d pull her against my chest and wrap my arms around her. “Not really stoked about a moth as big as my hand flying around.”
“I talked to the couple who run the haunted house and hay ride for Halloween,” Lily says as Penny stands to get the s’mores stuff. Her hand lightly brushes my back as she walks behind me. “They’re hiring me to do the horror makeup for their staff. It’s only for a few weeks, but hopefully, they’ll hire me again next year.”
“You mean for the scary clowns and psychos that jump out at people?” I ask, poking at the fire. From the corner of my eye, I notice Penny bending over the cooler. I’m suddenly aware of her breasts swelling against the thin fabric of her mint-green sundress. When she straightens, she pushes her long, wavy red hair behind her shoulder. My mouth goes bone dry. She’s absolutely stunning.
It’s weird to me how Penny could easily pass for a twenty something, but Lily looks every bit of eighteen.
I turn my attention back to my daughter, who’s nodding excitedly about her job. “Yes,” Lily says. “I’d be doing makeup for zombies, clowns, all sorts of creepy things.”
“That’s awesome,” I say. “Me and Mikey used to go every year when we were in high school.”
“I always thought they were wearing masks,” Penny says, falling back into her chair. She crosses her long, tan legs. Red nail polish glimmers at the tips of her bare feet. I suddenly have a foot fetish. All I want to do is run my hand along the curve of her foot, kissing the dainty bone of her ankle.