Page 66 of The Lovely Return
My breath catches when his fingers lace through mine. His thumb gently moves back and forth over the top of my hand before he pulls away and turns to leave. He pauses before he reaches the bedroom door.
“I probably shouldn’t say this, but… it broke my heart too, Penny. More than you know.”
He’s gone. The door shuts with a click. His shadow is no longer visible under the door.
Turbulent butterflies flutter from my chest to my stomach to my toes and back again.
So much just happened.
So much is happening—things I don’t even understand.
My eyes stay riveted to the door, willing him to come back and just keep talking. About anything—I don’t care. I just want him here with his deep, soft voice and his hand touching mine in that sweet but oh-so-sexy way.
I definitely did, and definitely still do, have a crush on Alex Fox.
And deep in my heart, where dreams and secrets live, a tiny part of me thinks that he might just feel a little bit the same way.
Chapter 20
PENNY - 2025
“I wish you’d come with me,” Lily offers as she shoves jeans and a mix of tees and hoodies into a duffel bag. It’s the end of March, and the wintery weather can’t decide if it wants to let go of the cold yet. “Aunt Kirsty won’t mind. I’m sure she’d love to have you.”
“I don’t want to infringe on your time with your aunt. Especially on her birthday weekend.” I pull her clothes out of the bag and fold them. “Everything will be a wrinkled mess if you don’t fold it.”
Shaking her head, she takes the folded shirts from me. “Okay, Mom,” she teases. “But seriously, my aunt won’t mind. We’re just going to go shopping, hang out at her condo, and watch movies all weekend. My gram is going to stop by Sunday afternoon with cake, then after that, I’ll be coming back home.”
Lily admitted to me months ago during one of our late-night talks that she’d hoped she could live with her aunt after her grandparents divorced instead of living with Alex. That idea was vetoed due to the fact that Kirsty is a flight attendant and rarely ever home.
“Thanks, but I want to catch up on my studying. I have that essay to write, too. I haven’t even started it yet.”
“Okay.” She zips the bag shut. “Even though it’s only for two days, I’m going to miss you. Text me if you get lonely. I’m sure my dad will be holed up in the studio all weekend.”
The sound of a car pulling into the driveway grabs Lily’s attention. She glances out the window. “Aunt Kirsty is here. Come downstairs with me and meet her.”
When I see the woman waiting in the living room, I do a double take. Not only is she stunning, but she could be Brianna’s twin. Brianna passed away at twenty-one years old, but I’m sure if she was thirty-nine today, she’d look exactly like Kirsty, who is turning forty-two this weekend.
I wait off to the side while Lily hugs her aunt hello, then they turn to me.
“Aunt Kirsty, this is Penny. Penny, this is my aunt.”
“Lily talks about you all the time. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she says, extending her hand to me.
The moment our hands touch, a burning sensation rushes up my arm and into my chest.
Ignoring the feeling, I smile and say, “It’s nice to finally meet you, too.”
Her eyes lock onto mine as she tilts her head with curiosity. “You look so familiar. Have we met somewhere else before?”
She looks oddly familiar to me as well, but I can’t place her face, so I assume it’s because I’ve seen so many photographs of Brianna that her sister’s face appears familiar.
“No, I don’t think so,” I reply.
“Hmm.” She turns her attention to Lily. “Are you all set?”
“Yup.” Lily slings her bag over her shoulder. “Penny even folded my clothes for me,” she jokes.
“Penny, you’re more than welcome to spend the weekend with us. We’d love to have you join us,” Kirsty says.
“Thank you so much, but I have some studying to do. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.”
“As long as I don’t have to count the candles on my cake, I will.”
“You can’t count that high,” Alex comments, entering the living room.
Kirsty laughs. “Very funny.”
I watch them hug hello. I can’t help but wonder if Kirsty’s likeness to Brianna upsets him or if it makes him happy to see a glimpse of his wife in her, like a visiting ghost.
When they part, Kirsty reaches up and tousles Alex’s hair. “You’re looking pretty scruffy there, fella. Want me to give you a trim while I’m here?”
A niggle of jealousy rides up my spine when he smiles at her.
Say no. Say no. I silently beg. I love the way Alex shakes his hair out of his face when he’s working.