Page 61 of The Lovely Return
“I still think a black tree would’ve been way cooler,” Lily remarks with a teasing glance at her dad. He shot down her black-tree idea weeks ago, saying all the ones she found online looked cheap and Halloweenish.
“Next year, we’ll make a cool black tree together,” he promises.
“I gotta run,” Kelley says after the tree is stable in its stand. “You guys have a great Christmas.” He turns to me and smiles. “Have a safe trip to Cali.”
“I will,” I answer. “See ya in the new year.”
Me and Lily give him a quick hug at the front door before he leaves.
“How is Kelley single?” Lily wonders aloud after she closes the door behind him. “He’s so cute.”
“Right?” I agree, draping the red tree skirt around the base of the tree. “His eyes are amazing.”
“He works too much to date,” Alex says. “And when he’s not working, he’s with his band. You don’t have to be dating someone to be happy.”
“You’re just as bad,” Lily says. “Don’t you guys get lonely?”
Alex grins. “How can I be lonely with you two around?”
“You should start dating, Dad. What are you going to do when me and Penny move out?”
“Enjoy the quiet,” he teases.
Lily rolls her eyes. “You can’t stay single forever. Maybe me and Penny should make you an online dating profile. I’m sure some chicks will dig your pirate vibe.”
“Thanks, kiddo. Should I stick a parrot on my shoulder while we’re at it?”
“I’m just kidding about the pirate thing. Come on, Dad, we’ll make you an awesome profile.”
Alex groans as he straightens the branches on the tree. “Don’t you dare. I’m not into the online dating crap. With my luck, I’ll get catfished.”
A weird feeling stirs in my stomach that feels an awful lot like jealousy.
“He’ll date when he’s ready,” I say, trying to thwart Lily’s scheme, which I don’t want any part of.
Because yes, there is definitely a little green monster inside me who’s rearing its head at the idea of Alex dating someone.
Alex winks at me and I almost melt into a puddle. “Thank you,” he says, totally unaware that he has the ability to make me feel all fluttery and gooey.
Ignoring my inner butterflies, I join Lily in decorating the tree with the garland and string lights Kelley and Alex bought earlier.
When we’re finished, Lily steps back to peruse our work and says with a nod, “It needs a star or an angel or something, doesn’t it? I like not having hanging decorations, but I think it needs something on top.”
Alex chews the inside of his cheek. “I have the angel tree topper your mom used to put on the tree every year. It’s a handmade thing she bought at a craft show. The wings light up. She loved it.”
Lily’s eyes widen with interest. “That sounds pretty. Can we use it?”
I’m not sure if Lily recognizes the hesitation on Alex’s face, but I sure do.
Gradually, he smiles. “Why not? I think she’d like that.”
“Is it in the basement?” I ask. “I can go get it.”
“Actually, it’s in my bedroom closet, on the top shelf,” he replies. “You can grab it if you want. It’s in a white box.”
Upstairs, I’m hit with the scent of Alex’s cologne as soon as I step into his bedroom. Pausing, I close my eyes and breathe it in. It’s familiar and comforting in a way I can’t put my finger on. Maybe it’s from all the time I spent with him as a child.
I haven’t been in this room since I wandered in here as a little girl years ago, but I’m shocked to see everything is exactly the same. Specifically, Brianna’s things are still on the left nightstand. Her book. Her glasses. Layered with more dust, but still there.
My chest stings with heartache for Alex. Lily is right. He needs to move on.
I cross the room to the closet and snap on the light. It’s not any better in here. Brianna’s clothes are hanging neatly on the left side, stopping dead center, with Alex’s hanging to the right. Tentatively, I reach out and touch a red blouse with one hand and his shirt with the other. My fingertips tingle with pins and needles. I can almost feel the memory of her here—can even smell her perfume mingled with Alex’s cologne—as if she just left the room seconds ago. I can’t help but wonder, do these things bring Alex comfort, or do they haunt him? I’m so drawn to the red blouse that I gently pull its butterfly-style sleeve out. The fabric is soft and sheer, almost see-through. A favorite. All I want to do is put it on and spin in front of the full-length mirror.
Don’t be weird, Penny, I tell myself, and reluctantly pull my hand away from the blouse.
Not wanting to be any further invasive, I quickly locate a small white box with the words tree angel written in neat script sitting atop a larger box on the shelf. Not able to quite reach it, I pull on the large box to bring the smaller one closer to me, and they both tumble down, throwing me off balance and knocking me on my ass.