Page 23 of The Lovely Return
When she shakes her head, a draft of dread creeps up my spine. I kneel down on the walkway to look her in the eye. “Why don’t you want to go home?”
“Because today’s my birthday.” She sniffles. “Well, tonight is.”
My heart has curled up in a ball and crept up into my throat, forcing me to squeeze words out. “Today’s your birthday?”
“Yes. And my mom said I can do whatever I want on my birthday, and I want to be here with you and Cherry.”
Here. Not out getting ice cream or going to a movie with friends. Here. “Why would you want to be here on your birthday?”
Her eyes stare right through me, flickering with thought. Their hue and emotional depth are so much like Brianna’s that I sway between falling into the abyss of them and wanting to pull her hat down over them.
A tiny raindrop-shaped tear clings to her lashes. “I don’t know,” she whispers.
I remember being scared, hungry, cold, and bruised. I remember being alone. I remember the neighbors closing their doors in my face, acting like if they didn’t look at me, I didn’t exist. I remember wishing someone would come help me.
Months later, when someone finally did, they asked me what had happened, and all I could say was I don’t know.
“Penny, are you scared at home? Does anyone hurt you?”
Looking down at her feet, she says, “No. I just don’t—”
We both jump and turn to see Mrs. Rose yelling out the window of her SUV. She turns into my driveway, throws the car in park, and jumps out while the car is still running.
“Thank God. You had me so worried. I had a feeling you’d be here,” Mrs. Rose says as she stalks up the driveway. The pink fuzzy slippers on her feet are a dead giveaway that she flew out of the house when she suddenly realized her kid was gone. “I’m so sorry,” she says to me. “I’m embarrassed to say she managed to leave the house again while I was on a work call.”
I glance down at her feet. “I’d be more embarrassed about those slippers.”
“Very funny,” she replies. “I apologize for the inconvenience. I don’t know why she’s obsessed with coming here.”
“Have you asked her?”
Her eyes narrow at me. “What? Of course I have. Why?”
I run my hand through my hair and let it fall back into my face. “Never mind. I think she just likes seeing my art and my dog.”
“Mommy, you said I could do whatever I wanted for my birthday,” Penny protests. “Remember?”
“I meant we could go to your favorite restaurant or the toy store. Not run off when I’m not looking. You know you’re not allowed to leave the house without me or Daddy. You scared the daylights out of me. I’m sure Alex has better things to do than entertain a child.”
“Not a problem,” I say. “But she shouldn’t be out alone. She could get lost, run over, kidnapped, mauled and eaten by coyotes…”
That gets me a death stare.
“I’m well aware of all that and it terrifies me. But when she sets her mind on something, that’s it. You have no idea how determined she is. She’s like Houdini when it comes to getting by me and getting out of the house. And let’s tone down the horror movie plots, please? She already has nightmares. She doesn’t—”
“I came to see the elephant,” Penny interrupts. “And Cherry and Alex. That’s all. I didn’t want to bother you while you were working, Mommy. You said not to bother you.”
Mrs. Rose sighs. “I hate to say this, but she’s probably going to come back here unless I shackle her to something or lock her in her room.” She smiles weakly and quickly adds, “I’m kidding, of course.”
“Gimme your number,” I suggest, feeling bad for her. “So I can call you if she shows up again.”
“That would be great. Really. Thank you so much. I know this looks bad, like really bad. I’ve just been so busy, and I can’t watch her every second.” She hunts in her purse for a pen and scribbles her number on the back of a business card.
I take it from her and shove it in my pocket without looking at it. “You might want to look into a babysitter.”
She laughs. “Are you interested in the job? You seem to be good with kids.”
“Do I look like a manny to you?”
“No, but it might be better than playing with other people’s garbage.”
I flash her a smirk. “Obviously, you’ve never played with someone else’s junk.”
Her cheeks redden. She opens her mouth and immediately closes it. “On that note… we better be going. Come on, Penny.” She reaches for her daughter’s hand. “Your birthday cake is waiting. Today’s her birthday,” she tells me. “Her party is Saturday, but we’re having ice cream cake tonight.”