Page 2 of The Lovely Return
Here we are, four years later, with my ring on her finger, her hand pressed against her stomach, and that same dazzling smile still bringing me to my knees. And I still thought I must be dreaming.
Her lips curved with an excited smile. “My water broke a few minutes ago,” she said softly.
For at least ten seconds, I forgot how to breathe. Excitement and fear rose up in a massive wave, momentarily suffocating me. My hands stilled, hovering over my latest sculpture of metal chains, gears, and black feathers resembling a steampunk fallen angel. I shook my hair out of my face, reached for a rag, and wiped my hands. “Now?” I blinked. I tried to force air into my lungs. “She’s coming now?”
Brianna’s sea-green eyes glistened like jewels. “Yes, she’s coming.”
“Holy shit.” I ran to her, took her face in my hands and kissed her until we swayed breathlessly. Smiling against her lips, I lowered my touch to her stomach, softly caressing as if she and the baby were made of glass.
“I love you,” I whispered. “Both of you. Like crazy.”
She touched my cheek, skating the pad of her thumb over my lips before kissing me. My knees nearly buckled every time she did that little signature move on me. On our sixth date, I finally asked her why she did it.
“Your smile is where the magic happens,” she murmured, staring up into my eyes. “It’s where our love started. I want to capture it over and over again.”
“I’ll smile at you every day for the rest of your life if you’ll let me.”
She gasped with surprise and whispered, “Promise?”
“I promise.”
“I’d love that, Fox.”
“Then you got it. Promise me you’ll never leave me. It would kill me.”
“I promise. I’m yours for eternity.”
“Eternity is a long time. Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. Nothing could ever take me away from you.”
Admittedly, I’d never known love before. But with her, it was easy and natural. It washed over and through me like a warm breeze blowing through an open window. It was gentle and safe.
On the flip side, I was terrified of losing it, of losing her.
Brianna never said, “I love you too.” Her response was always to kiss me, to touch my cheek, and my lips. When Bri said she loved me, she meant it. Every time. It was never just an echo of my words.
“I called the doctor,” she said when our lips parted. “I haven’t had any contractions yet, but she said we should head in now because the snow is supposed to get worse tonight. Better safe than sorry.”
“If we leave now, we’ll get there within the hour. Let’s get your stuff.”
For a month, I’ve been tripping over her hospital bag sitting in the hall by the front door.
She waited on the porch while I ran inside to change my clothes and wash my hands. On my way out, I grabbed her bag and leaned down to say goodbye to Cherry, our red Chow Chow I surprised Brianna with last year for our anniversary.
“I heard puppies are good practice for having a baby…” I’d joked when I put the puppy into Brianna’s arms. The first year of owning Cherry made us experts at sleepless nights, cleaning up messes, and finding endless patience.
“We’ll be back soon with Lily,” I said to the now sixty-pounds-of-fluff dog. “Be a good girl.”
The last thing I saw before I locked the front door was Cherry, with her bright-green tennis ball in her mouth and her tail wagging furiously. That vision has stuck with me for years…I wouldn’t see her wag her tail again for a long time.
A gust of wind sent a chill up my spine, but I refused to waste time going back inside for my jacket. I helped Brianna into the car and threw her overnight bag into the back seat.
“Alex…take a deep breath,” she said when I settled behind the wheel. If I close my eyes now, I can still hear the echo of those words. It’s branded on my soul.
She ran her hand up my arm, giving my shoulder a squeeze infused with affection and reassurance. “You look like you’re hyperventilating.”
“I think I am.” I turned to her while I waited for the car to warm up and melt the snow on the windows. One of the things I loved most about Brianna was her calmness. She never worried, never freaked out, never got mad, never raised her voice. I grew up surrounded by people who yelled and slammed things, so she was the blanket of quiet and serenity I needed. Everything about her sedated me. “I can’t believe this is finally happening.” Grabbing her hand, I brought it to my lips and kissed her knuckles. “We’re having a baby, Bri.”
A sweet, excited smile spread across her face. “We’re having a baby, Fox.” My heart clenched, as it did every time she called me by my last name. My closest friends have called me Fox since kindergarten, but Bri was the first and only girl to ever use the nickname.