Page 145 of The Lovely Return
I tear my eyes away from Alex to put Brian at the table, but he kicks his feet as I try to get him into his chair. Alex rushes over, gently taking him from me.
“He’s a little difficult sometimes.” He grins. “He likes to kick the shit out of us because he doesn’t like sitting in the seat.”
Laughing, I watch him get the squirming toddler situated. A pang of longing stirs low in my stomach and reaches up to clench my heart. I try to pinpoint the source of the longing and my cheeks heat when I realize it’s Alex. Alex and a baby.
“He’s going to want you to sit next to him,” Alex says, then leans close enough that the tip of his nose brushes against the wave of hair over my shoulder. “I miss you,” he adds in a low voice.
My next breath quickly catches in my throat. That smile of his when he returns to the stove is even sexier than I remember it being four years ago. I’ve seen glimpses of him on his social media accounts over the years, but he rarely shows his face clearly. Alex has always been good-looking, but the bit of fullness age has added to his face has only made him more attractive. He’s all rugged man now.
And his arms. Holy moly. My fingers are itching to grip those biceps.
Oblivious to my blushing and the swarm of butterflies I’m internally battling over her father, Lily says, “Brian is a little ladies’ man. You should see him with the girls at day care.”
Alex ruffles Brian’s hair. “Flirting is his superpower.”
The difference in Alex and Lily’s dynamic is like night and day compared to how it was four years ago. The guilt and anger that used to thunder between them like a tumultuous storm has been replaced with calm, loving teamwork. Raising little Brian together might have been unexpected, but it appears to be exactly what they needed.
“Dad, don’t forget we have reservations for dinner tonight at seven,” Lily says as we sit at the table.
“Got it.”
Marcus is taking us all out to dinner tonight so we can meet and get to know each other. I’m looking forward to meeting the guy she’s fallen in love with.
“We’re going to get mani-pedis after breakfast,” Lily says. “Marcus said he wants my nails to look really pretty tonight and bought us gift certificates. Isn’t that sweet?”
Alex takes a sip of his coffee, eyeing Lily suspiciously from over the rim. “Marcus got a thing for nails?”
“He just likes how my nails look when I get them done.”
I stare at my nails, which haven’t seen polish in four years. “He really doesn’t have to do all this,” I say. “Dinner and manicures. It’s expensive. We could’ve just grilled some burgers out back…he doesn’t have to do all this just to meet me.”
Lily is all smiles as she shrugs. “This is just how he is. He likes spoiling me and doing nice things for people.”
Alex nudges my shoulder with his. “Let the kid spend money. He should be spoiling my daughter and treating her like a princess.”
“I’d love him even if he didn’t, Dad.”
My teeth hurt as I watch Alex pour an ungodly amount of syrup onto his pancakes. “I know you would. I’m just glad you’re dating someone who treats you right.”
Lily turns her bright eyes on me. “Now we have to find someone for you, Penny. Marcus has a cousin who’s really good-looking. I’ve only met him twice, but he’s nice. I’m not sure what he does for work, but he drives a new Camaro.”
Alex scoffs. “Nobody with half a brain drives a Camaro in New Hampshire. That thing isn’t going anywhere in a foot of snow.”
“Seriously, Dad?” Lily laughs. “I don’t think his car matters.”
“You’re the one who just used it to describe him.”
“He and his car sound great,” I say, noticing the clench of Alex’s jaw. “But I don’t think I’m ready to start dating yet.”
My breath catches when Alex’s hand finds mine under the table, and he threads our fingers together. My heart immediately begins to gallop like an excited pony. I move my leg closer to his and rub my sock-covered foot over the top of his shoe. With my hand captured under his, he splays his long fingers down and squeezes my inner thigh, fingertips lightly massaging into the thin material of my yoga pants. I shift in the chair and try to look as normal as I can while Lily continues to talk about other guys she wants me to meet. She has this dream of us going on double dates together. I have no idea how we’re ever going to do that when the only man I want to be involved with is her father, who’s currently caressing my leg and making me wet right under the table two feet away from her.