Page 9 of Naughty Noelle (Santa Daddy)
I turn some in my seat. He may not be able to look at me while driving, but I can definitely reap the rewards of being a passenger princess in this moment. “I’m twenty-seven, a nurse at a pediatric office. The hospital life wasn’t for me, so I quit after a few years. My favorite color is red. I’ve never been married. No kids. And on the weekends, I like to hit up the farmers market. Sometimes I’ll watch football at my brother’s house although, I mainly go there for the snacks and to hang out with my sister-in-law and niece.” Sports aren’t my thing. The food and people definitely the better choices than watching men run around tossing a ball back and forth. My brother tried his hardest throughout our childhood to teach me about baseball, football, and hockey, but nothing stuck. Meanwhile, he can tell you about every stat a player has.
“What made you leave the hospital, if you don’t mind me asking?” Easton takes his eyes off the road while we’re at a red light. They meet mine, and seeing his face staring straight at me has my heart beating erratically. When Easton met me at the door, I was bent down, only getting a small glance of him because I was trying to get out of my house and not make us late. My mother would have a field day. So while I took him in, I didn’t take him in. Now, I’m getting the full effect, and I am not disappointed. There’s a hunger in his gaze, meaning what I’m feeling is most definitely not one sided. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that the light turned green. Yet Easton doesn’t start driving. Unfortunately, when a car honks behind us, I lose the moment.
“I didn’t mind it at first. The adrenaline was insane, and it kept me thinking about what came next. Then I’d crash, wonder how a patient was doing after being discharged and I was no longer able to watch over them. The days and nights became longer, the sleep became less, then burnout started to take its hold. I got out with a good nest egg and a decent-sized down payment for my house.” I don’t go into detail about the pay cut or how I struggle internally. I have money; that isn’t the problem. It’s adjusting to my new lifestyle. There is no longer an extra padded cushion after I pay bills and put some money in my savings account. Before, I’d have plenty to splurge on a manicure, pedicure, and a day of shopping. Now I scale back, doing my own nails, shopping when there’s a good deal, and I only get a pedicure for an event like tonight.
“Makes sense. I’m sure it’s hard with the hours, shifts going back and forth between days and nights, plus working holidays,” he replies.
“Yeah, plus some of the doctors are unpleasant, and that’s putting it mildly. Enough about me. Tell me a few things about yourself.” Our alone time is coming to an end, and besides his name I don’t know a single thing about Easton. There’s no way I can’t at least know the basics on a few things. The rest we can make up along the way.
“Alright. I’m thirty-six, a manager in a male-dominated industry, a bunch of drama queens, too. Much like you, I own my house. My favorite color is black.” I let out a small laugh. As if I couldn’t tell that already. His lips lift in a smirk, and I’m granted with something else to be infatuated with. “Not sure I have much downtime. Being a workaholic has its downfall. Working out and running on the beach are about the extent of relaxation I get. Unless my mom summons me to her house, but then it’s helping her out in the yard, more mulch, a new plant, trimming branches, that sort of a thing.” A man who has a good relationship with his mother, doesn’t mind spending time with her on his day off. I wish I could say the same. Honestly, I do love Mamá. It’s the harping I can’t handle. I think back to his comment about the male-dominated industry, and maybe the company I used is more common than I thought.
“The beach. I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been going near as much as I used to. I’m not sure about running, though. I’m more a walk along the shore and collect seashells kind of person.” Our conversation slows down as Easton’s hand comes off the steering wheel, tapping the lever for his turn signal for us to round the corner into the hotel entrance.
“My place is right on the beach. We’ll have to go together one day.” His words shock me. This isn’t what I expected. He isn’t what I expected. After all, I hired him as my date. The car comes to a stop near the entrance to the hotel. Everywhere you look, there are garlands, poinsettias, and twinkle lights. ‘Tis the season, and while it’s very pretty, a pit is starting to form in my stomach about how we’re going to pull this off. “Stay. I’ll get your door,” he states. There’s no room for me to argue because he’s unfolding from his seat the second he puts the Range Rover in Park. It’s beautiful, it’s also really freaking expensive. Easton’s vehicle is way out of my price range, but man have I enjoyed all of the amenities, the smooth ride, the seats that feel like a deep-seated mattress wrapping around you, and the best part is the man who drives it.