Page 8 of Built for Trouble (Storm Hogs MC)
“Good,” Tyler seethed, glaring at Harlan, who had moved to get between the two of us. “Both of you can rot in a jail cell.”
Harlan chuckled, and the sound sent chills down my spine. “You think I’m afraid of jail, pretty boy? I spent most of my early twenties in a fucking cell.”
Tyler paled a little at that. He was used to people shaking at the mention of jail, but Harlan looked almost eager for it.
Sirens reached my ears. No doubt, Sandersville was rushing to the call. Already, a small crowd had formed, some people recording even though there wasn’t a fight happening. I hoped someone had recorded Tyler putting his hands on me, though I wouldn’t be surprised if my luck was that damn shitty and no one had.
I winced at the bright, flashing lights that lit up the parking lot, quickly coming closer to us. Four officers got out of two police cars and quickly made their way through the crowd. “How are you, Harlan?” one of the officers asked, holding his hand out for Harlan to shake.
Harlan gripped his hand. “Been better,” he admitted.
“Mind telling me what happened?”
Harlan glanced at me for the first time since he’d punched Tyler. His hand curled around mine, and I relaxed a bit. “Rode up and saw him shove her back when she tried walking past him. I was here to pick her up and give her a ride home.”
“Who is he to you?” the officer asked me.
“My ex,” I told him.
His eyes lit up with recognition. “Lot of trash you left at his house. Good bit of damage, too.”
I just shrugged, not saying a word. I wasn’t stupid. The wrong thing could still incriminate me and be used against me. Harlan gently squeezed my hand. “Can you tell me why you were here, Lennox?” he asked.
“I work here at the gym,” I told him, jerking my head in the direction of the double glass doors. “I’m Mikayla’s assistant manager. I was waiting on Harlan to pick me up,” I reiterated, telling him what Harlan already had.
“And when did Tyler show up?”
“A few minutes ago. I was smoking a cigarette, and he came directly over to me.” I pointed to the cigarette still lying on the ground. “When he shoved me, I dropped it. Haven’t had a chance to pick it back up.”
Harlan crouched and picked up the cigarette, putting it in the pocket of his cut. “So, he came directly to where you were standing?” the officer asked. “He wasn’t going into the gym?”
I snorted. “As if he’d ever be caught dead in a gym,” I grumbled.
Harlan coughed to hide his own laugh. “I’m going to go inside for a few minutes and review Mikayla’s security footage,” the officer told us after looking over his notes for a moment. “If you don’t mind, I’d like you to come inside so this matter doesn’t escalate further.”
I glanced over at Tyler. He was red in the face and throwing his arms and hands around, blood still coating his chin and neck. I grimaced and nodded before turning and walking beside Harlan into the gym. Silently, we took seats at the small table right outside Mikayla’s office.
“Let me see your arm,” Harlan said quietly.
I rolled my sleeve up, and he pulled out his phone, taking pictures of the marks on my arm, his jaw clenched. I’d been so surprised by Tyler grabbing me like he had that I hadn’t even noticed how tight his grip had been. Sure, it had hurt, but not like it should have going by the bruises already beginning to discolor my skin.
Once the pictures were taken, he shoved his phone back into his pocket before gripping the side of my neck and smoothing his lips over mine. I gripped his cut, curling my fingers into the leather.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier,” he said quietly. “If I’d kept track of time—”
I shook my head. “Don’t even. I don’t play the fucking blame game, Harlan. I won’t tolerate you doing it either. What’s done is done.”
He sighed, resting his forehead on mine. “Wish I’d been able to do more than punch him.”
I snickered. “He’s missing a tooth.”
Harlan cracked a grin at that before pressing a kiss to my forehead. Then, he just stood beside me, playing with my ponytail until the officer came out of Mikayla’s office. “I’ve got what I need,” he told us. “Lennox, would you like to press charges? Tyler did grab you first.”
I shook my head. “No.” Harlan made a sound of disagreement, but I ignored him. “I’m tired. I just want to go home. And I don’t want to make all this shit worse. I firmly believe one day, he’ll get what’s coming to him.”
I stood up, and Mikayla surprised me by hugging me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her. “Call me if you need me,” she said quietly.