Page 4 of Built for Trouble (Storm Hogs MC)
I rolled out of bed at the same time Lennox sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Get dressed,” I told her quietly. “I’ll handle this.”
She nodded, not even putting up a fight about it being her house. She flinched when the banging started up again. “Police! Open up!”
“Shit,” I swore. I yanked my jeans on. Lennox scrambled out of bed, her face pale. She looked like she was going to vomit at any moment. Last night, she’d been all chill about what she’d done and the possible repercussions of her actions, but now that the fight had died out in her, it was clear she was not ready for jail time.
I cupped her face in my hands and forced her eyes on mine. “No matter what happens, trust me. Understand?”
Her lips trembled, but she nodded her head. I pressed a hard kiss to her forehead. “Get dressed,” I commanded again before I walked out of the room to open the door for the police.
They didn’t waste a beat once I opened the door. “Is Lennox McNair home?” the sheriff asked.
I nodded once and moved aside, letting him in. Trying to stop him would just end up with me being arrested too for obstruction of justice, and if I was locked up, I couldn’t help her. She needed me on the outside.
Lennox came out of her bedroom at the same moment the officer walked inside. She looked over at me, her breathing quickening. “Just breathe,” I told her. “And trust me.”
She swallowed thickly before looking back at the sheriff. “Lennox McNair, you’re under arrest for criminal destruction of property and disturbing the peace.” He moved toward her and gently turned her around before pulling her arms behind her back. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.” He began to lead her out of the house. As much as I wanted to touch her one more time, I kept my hands to myself. Lennox was strong; she’d get through this. “If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.” His voice faded as he led her down the porch and out to the sheriff’s car. “With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”
“No,” I heard Lennox say firmly.
Good girl.
The sheriff nodded once, respecting her decision, and eased her into the backseat of his car. I shut the front door and moved to Lennox’s room to finish getting dressed. Adler was the first person I called.
“It’s real fucking early, Harlan.”
“Got a problem,” I grunted, putting him on speaker so I could tug my shirt over my head.
He sighed. “My day is about to turn into a shit show, isn’t it?”
I shrugged, though I knew he couldn’t see me. “Probably. Lennox just got arrested. I found her trashing her ex’s house last night, and I’m guessing he or one of the neighbors called the police. Sheriff just came to pick her up. She needs an attorney.”
“Fuck,” Adler swore. “I’ll get on it right now. Call Mikayla and let her know what’s going on.”
“Will do.”
Adler ended the call, and I dialed Mikayla, Beau’s significant other. She picked up on the fourth ring. “Harlan, this better be important,” Beau grumbled. I frowned. That was not the voice I’d been expecting.
“Where’s Mikayla?” I asked him.
“In the shower getting ready for work,” he told me. “Why are you calling her at six in the fucking morning?”
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “It’s about Lennox. Put her on the phone. I don’t care that she’s showering.”
He made a sound of disagreement, but a moment later, I heard the shower and then Mikayla’s voice. “Why are you bothering me again?” she asked Beau. “I have to shower because of you.”
Despite the situation I was in, I snorted. “Harlan is on the phone,” Beau told her. “It’s about Lennox.”
“Harlan?” Mikayla asked. She still sounded a little far away, but that was fine. As long as we could hear each other, that was all I cared about. “What’s wrong with Lennox?”
“She just got arrested,” I told her, dropping the bomb so we could go ahead and get it over with.
“What?!” Mikayla screeched. I winced. Christ, she was loud.
“She trashed her ex’s house. Someone called the police. She’s being hit with criminal destruction of property and disturbing the peace. Adler is working on getting her an attorney. I just needed to let you know she wouldn’t be in today.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Mikayla swore. “That damn woman… Is she okay?”
I sighed, shrugging even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “Maybe. I don’t know. She was holding it together when she got arrested, and she had the common sense to not speak to the sheriff.”