Page 13 of Built for Trouble (Storm Hogs MC)
Harlan’s bike roared onto the lot a moment later, coming to a stop at the bumper of my car. He got off his bike, yanking his helmet off his head at the same time. Then, not giving a fuck that an officer was getting ready to introduce himself to me, he grasped my face in his hands and slanted his lips over mine.
His fingers tightened on my cheeks as I kissed him back. All of his anger and worry bled through where our lips were connected, and my chest tightened.
I hated making him feel like this.
“You okay?” he rasped once he released me.
I just shrugged. Because right then, I didn’t know if I was actually fucking okay. Pretty sure I was in shock and just sort of going through the motions.
“Ma’am,” I turned to face the officer and shook the hand he was holding out to me, “I’m Officer Davies. You and your ex are a bit popular right now, hm?”
I sighed. “It’s been a fucking nightmare.”
He chuckled. “Honestly, I think you dodged a bullet by leaving him.” He nodded his head toward the car. “I’m going to take some pictures. Mind if you get your insurance information and your license for me so I can write all that down?”
I nodded. It took about thirty minutes for everything to be completed. Tyler never showed up, but Harlan didn’t leave regardless. He stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest like he was my own personal guard dog. And honestly, his presence made the entire situation a bit easier to deal with.
I’d set off a chain reaction by vandalizing Tyler’s place in a rage. Tyler should have left it at pressing charges against me and fucking up my record. But he hadn’t, and now I was caught in a dangerous game with him. One I really didn’t want to be part of any longer.
Harlan settled my helmet on my head as the officers left. “I’m taking you home,” he quietly told me. “I’ll pay the pizza spot you like extra to deliver to you. Sound good?”
I nodded. “I’m sorry this is turning out to be such a fucking mess.”
He flipped my visor up, his eyes boring into mine. “Don’t apologize for some dumbass’s actions, you hear me? He could’ve just left it at charging you, but he’s taken it too fucking far. All I’ve been thinking about is why he slashed your tires. You normally get off after or close to dark. Perfect opportunity to snatch you.” A chill ran down my spine, and tears burned in my eyes. I furiously blinked them back. “He’s gone too goddamn far, doll.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, sucking in a ragged breath. “He was never like this when we were together,” I croaked.
“Not all men show their true colors until it’s too late, Lennox.” He pulled his helmet onto his head and straddled the bike. I slid on behind him. As soon as I was wrapped tightly around him, he tore out of the lot and hit the highway, heading for my house.
I slid off the bike and tugged my helmet off, but Harlan never turned it off or moved to get off. He jerked his chin toward the house. “I’ll have pizza delivered. Go inside. Lock the door. Do not open it for anyone but the pizza guy, understand?”
I nodded. “Where are you going?” I asked.
He didn’t answer—just made a U-turn and left. I sighed and headed inside, making sure to lock the front door behind me. I had no real idea where Harlan was going, and a part of me didn’t want to know. Because in my gut, I had a feeling he was out to hunt Tyler down.
I angled off my bike and yanked my helmet off my head, setting it on the seat before I cut around the side of Tyler’s house, my boots crunching through the gravel on his driveway. I could’ve gone silently, but I wanted my presence announced. I wanted that fucker to know I was here.
He’d gone too goddamn far, and I was done with his bullshit ass little games.
He was playing with the fucking master now.
“I’m calling the cops!” he yelled through the door as I climbed the back porch, my boots thumping on the wood.
“I don’t know if I made this clear enough the last time we saw each other,” I called back, “but I really don’t give a fuck about cops, fucker. I warned you what would happen if you came after my woman again.”
“Fuck you!” he barked through the still-closed door. “She shouldn’t have started this shit. That bitch thinks she’s fucking invincible. I’m just trying to teach her a lesson!”
I kicked his back door in, splintering the door frame. Tyler was standing in the middle of his kitchen with a gun pointed at me. I smirked and punched him in the face before he could even put his finger on the trigger, snapping his head backward. The gun clattered to the floor, and I kicked it aside, letting it smack against the fridge.