Page 7 of Built for Pleasure (Storm Hogs MC)
“Meat,” he said. “Honestly, we eat just about anything.” He dropped a kiss to my lips. “Be careful.”
I smiled at him. “I will.”
He tapped my ass and winked at me before heading into the house, shouting at someone named Beau for being an idiot. I snickered and headed in through the side door I came out of to avoid getting in their workspace.
I put my fingers to my lips and whistled loud enough that all of the guys heard me. Immediately, all power tools turned off, and Adler was the first one crossing the floor to me. “You okay?” he asked, instantly gripping my upper arms and backing me away from the work area, his concerned eyes roving over me.
He was so overprotective, and I honestly couldn’t get enough of it.
“I finished making dinner,” I told him with a big smile. “Now, introduce me to the club members, and then we can all eat.”
He chuckled and grabbed my hand in his. “That’s Seb,” he said, pointing at a brunette with hair that was longer on top but cropped close on the sides. When Seb smiled at me, the skin around his grey eyes crinkled at the corners. “He’s my vice president—the VP.”
“Elliot,” another guy said, stepping forward and holding his hand out to me. His hair was dark, and his eyes matched the color of his hair. A five o’clock shadow dusted his jaw. “I’m the Sergeant at Arms and the last member that was patched in. Welcome to the family.”
I flushed. Adler squeezed my hand. I looked up at him. He just smiled down at me, no alarm in his eyes.
He wanted me to be part of the family he’d created. My heart was ready to burst from my chest. This was definitely a man that knew what he wanted and pursued it with everything in him.
“That’s Beau,” Adler said, gesturing his head in the direction of a guy with messy brown hair. His trimmed beard was the same color, but his blue eyes stood out the most. They were bright and glimmering in the light.
“I’m the secretary,” Beau informed me. He looked at Adler. “Can you hurry the fuck up? I’m starving.”
I snorted while Adler scowled at him. “And you are?” I asked, looking at the guy with the shortest hair. He was also clean-shaven.
“Harlan,” he informed me, a playful smirk curving his lips. “The road captain.”
Remi grinned at me. “You already know me. Hi. Can we eat now?” he asked. I quietly snickered. “You know everybody, and my stomach is yelling at me.”
I laughed. “All the food is out back on the patio.” I waved my hand toward the open back door. “Help yourself.”
Five guys rushed past me. I turned to look up at Adler, who still hadn’t let go of my hand. “Welcome to the family, huh?” I said softly, walking my fingers up his abs to his chest. I couldn’t help it. I was slightly addicted to touching him.
He caught that hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to my palm. Tingles rushed through my fingers. “Yeah, sweetheart,” he rasped. “Welcome to the family. You’re stuck with me.”
I hummed, and leaning up on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his.
“You two better stop sucking face before Remi eats all the fuckin’ food!” Harlan called.
Laughing, we broke apart, and Adler led me outside to his family—the family he was bringing me into.
The guys were obsessed with Cecily, which was exactly what I’d been hoping for. So easily, they accepted her into our fold, teasing her about being my old lady, but the happy glow on her face told me everything I needed to know.
She was ecstatic about being part of my family. And fuck, that did something to my heart.
I was so madly in love with her, a psychologist would probably think something was wrong with me. Most people thought love didn’t happen this fast, but they also had never met someone like Cecily.
She brightened my world—added color where there hadn’t been any before. She showed me everything I’d never known I was missing in my life, and if she one day took all of that away from me, I had no idea how I would function.
I probably wouldn’t be able to.
“You enjoying the movie, sweetheart?” I asked softly, running my fingertips up and down her arm.
Cecily was a lover of old classic romance movies, so I’d gotten sucked into watching Dirty Dancing with her. It wasn’t a terrible movie, but honestly, if I had to watch Patrick Swayze, I’d have preferred to watch Road House instead. Something with more blood and action.
She didn’t answer me, and one look down at her face told me she was sleeping. I chuckled softly. Today had been a long day for both of us, and I was sure getting to know my brothers was exhausting. Hell, most days, they were exhausting for me, and I’d been around them for years now. We could all be rambunctious.