Page 8 of When You Know You Know
I recoil a little. “Probably my ocean moss perfume. I put on a lot. Don’t you like it?”
“Smells like air freshener.”
It’s probably best that I don’t tell him, there have been moments when I’ve used that as a perfume too. But I can’t let his spikyness stand in my way and not wanting to lose him as a customer, I choose to change the subject.
“So do you watch movies on your own a lot?” I murmur and he shifts impatiently in his seat.
“Rarely. Only when I have time.”
“That’s so brave of you,” I compliment and he raises a brow as if he hates compliments. At least those he deems useless.
“Brave, Miss, Crichlow?”
I nod. “You won’t believe how many people can’t do things on their own. Can’t go to restaurants alone, can’t go to the mall alone...” I sigh softly. “It shows that you’re independent so good on you.”
He doesn’t really seem to appreciate my mindless gushing. In fact it seems to make him even more agitated and I start sweating a little, wiping my palms on my leggings. He sure is a tough nut to crack.
“Chocolate covered peanuts, huh?” I say with what I hope is a charming smile. “I love those, especially the red ones. Red candy always tastes better, you’ve ever thought of that?”
Blaise doesn’t smile back. At all. Not even the tiniest twitching of his lips. “Can’t say that I have.”
Shrugging, I ask because I’m feeling peckish, “May I have one?”
Raising his brows like he’s about to lose his temper, he says, “Here, take the whole bag.”
He shoves it into my palm and I pour some directly down my throat. Not very ladylike I know and the old woman who scolded me earlier, makes a sound of horror.
“Delicious,” I murmur, bringing my face closer to his and most guys have prickly skin from a bad shave but not his. “You know when I was kid, I would always buy these whenever a circus was in town.”
“How intriguing,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm but I don’t let that stop me. He’s going to be reined in whether he likes it or not. And once he’s reined, he’ll probably even be a little grateful for my efforts.
“One time the circus had this aquarium and there was this woman dressed as a mermaid in it,” I continue whispering in his ear. “She did all kinds of cool acrobatics, flips, splits and you can only imagine how hard it is to do a split...”
Letting out a curse, he gets up like a thunder bolt and my jaw falls at the expression on his face. Then my gaze drops down and I catch a glimpse of a swelling before he puts on his coat.
Wait was that...
Did he get aroused from the movie? Two guys talking guns in a basement? Can’t be that. Unless he gets turned on by guns and bearded “blokes” but I don’t think so.
Did he get aroused from me breathing on him? Heck no, I’m getting ahead of myself.
“Where are you going?” I gasp, clutching my candy bag like it’s my security blanket.
“Leaving.” He looks at me with badly disguised annoyance. “I can’t focus on the movie when you’re running your mouth in my ear like that.”
I throw a glance at the screen. “Don’t think you’re missing much. And no offense but you don’t have the best taste in movies.”
“I have excellent taste,” he says as if insulted. “Only the best in life is good enough for me.”
“Me too,” I blurt as if we have something in common.
We don’t because the look he gives me says,I doubt that. And you’ll never rise to my level.
I don’t take it personally because I have a job to do and I get up.
“Are you married Mr. Pendragon?” I ask, running after him and a stressed, hunted look flashes his face and I feel like a Chihuahua trying to bite her master’s leg pants to make him stay.
“Not that it’s any of your business but no,” he says, looking like he’s doing his best to stay patient.