Page 3 of When You Know You Know
“All right, here we go,” I smile quickly, interrupting their very important conversation. “Latte and banana nut muffin for you.” I turn to Salty Suit. “And a coffee with milk for you,” I breathe but he doesn’t even throw me a glance, just moves his head impatiently as if he’s eager to get me out of the way.
Usually most guys give me a little attention at least, their eyes tend to linger on my fiery hair and blue eyes but not Salty Suit. He’s extra like that.
“Problem is that the interest rate…,” he begins telling Muffin Man when I make a big deal out of clearing my throat.
Muffin Man turns to me and Salty Suit doesn’t exactly seem pleased about getting interrupted.
“Excuse me, gentlemen,” I snigger nervously and slowly slam my tray against the side of my leg. “If I can just get a moment of your t...”
“No,” Salty Suit says and I pinch my lips. That’s not how men talk to ladies back home. At least not the old ones with no teeth left.
Chuckling cheerfully, Muffin Man chews off a bite of his pastry. But he’s no better and he’s ignoring me too. Everything to appease Salty Suit apparently.
“It’ll only take a sec and I promise I won’t bother you...”
“You’re bothering us now,” Salty Suit snaps and I already hate that I’ve exposed myself to this. I could go back with my tail between my legs and pretend like nothing really happened but I can’t be a chicken like that.
Red as beet in the face, I decide to take out the big guns and I open my mouth and start singing,”Deep blue sea, is where you like to be, Swim and play though you cannot see, Through the trash that humans throw…”
When I stop singing, time seems to have stopped too. Everything is silent and the only thing I feel is the beat of my own heart. They stare at me like I’m a sick person who needs to be locked up. Especially Salty Suit. At least Muffin Man tries to make an effort.
“Bravo,” he blurts as if both shocked and impressed, clapping his hands until Salty Suit throws him an annoyed look and he stops. “Bravo,” he mutters.
“That’s the song of the organization where I volunteer,” I say quickly. “It’s calledMermaid to Man. We try to raise money to help clean our oceans and get companies to take resp...”
“Tell it to someone who gives a damn. And we’re having a private meeting,” Salty Suit cuts off, turning to his companion. “As I was saying...”
“I wasn’t finished,” I almost bark and when Salty Suit turns to me, I nearly crumble under the look he gives me. I straighten. “I’m here to ask if you would be interested in funding us? You’d do a great service to all the animals of the ocean. Including the mermaids.”
I say the last think with a cheeky wink, but Salty Suit remains unamused.
Inhaling he says, “I believe it’s best we finish this meeting at my office.” He gets up and grabs his phone telling Muffin Man, “Remind me not to come to this place ever again.”
He thunders past me, treating me like air and inwardly I let out a whimper.
“Wait,” I cry but he doesn’t so I add, “Please.”
That gets to him because he tenses, turning around and heck, he really is terrifying. The kind of guy I have no issues imagining being capable of kicking people of cliffs, making deals with criminals and blackmailing politicians.
“What?” he snarls and I become aware of that half the people at the coffee shop are staring at us.
“I realize I s...should’ve introduced myself.” I swallow, reaching my hand out. “I’m Zerena Crichlow. With a z.”
Originally my name was spelled with an s but I changed it to a z, because I thought it was more unique. Yup, I’m one of those people. Don’t judge.
He stares at my hand for so long it feels like he’s not going to accept it. Dripping with embarrassment, I take it down when he abruptly clasps it and I inhale when electricity crawls up to my shoulder.
His dark brows curve over his eyes in surprise and he quickly lets go. Did he feel that too...?
“You?” I breathe.
“Mr. Pendragon,” he says in a cold voice but my eyes flare to his.
That’s so...Camelot.
“Wow,” I breathe and I must’ve sounded flabbergasted because even Muffin Man lets out a chortle.
Mr. Pendragon frowns in confusion and in the window I notice that Roger’s face is all screwed up and he’s shaking his head at me to take a chill pill.