Page 19 of When You Know You Know
He looks around while I’m busy making sure my top is tucked in and that my hair isn’t stringy. His eyes turn to me, registering my preening and my hands freeze in the air.
“It’s a fort,” he answers.” I can imagine.”
“Not that long ago,” I say patiently. “Just over two decades ago, lovers would come up here when the sun was going down and watch dolphins jump and play. Now,” I add in a sad, melodramatic voice, “nobody does that anymore because you can hardly spot the dolphins.”
Blaise calmly looks back and it infuriates me. Does he even have a heart, or just a cold rock? Honestly, sometimes I wonder if he’s even human...?
“Don’t you get it?” I ask in a trembling voice. “They’re going extinct because the ocean is so polluted.”
He doesn’t seem to get it and I blink a couple of times, causing some tears to drop and he shoots me a long glance.
“Tears don’t work on me,” he drawls, “so you might as well drop the act.”
“It’s not an act!” I blink. “Don’t you think it’s the saddest thing you’ve ever heard?”
I take a deep breath.
“You’ve ever heard of green lighthouses?” I say and he shakes his head. “The organization is aiming to make all lighthouses green by 2040.”
“Better,” he answers all of the sudden to my surprise and I perk up. “That sounds attainable, like something I could get behind.”
I nod eagerly because I’m finally getting through to him. “Wonderful,” I say, babbling on, “We’re thinking about starting with one that’s right here. Come, I’ll show you...”
Moving over to the open wall I wave for Blaise to come closer and I point to the side.
“You can see it from here. It’s right there.”
Standing next to me but a little closer to the edge, he turns his head to the side. “Where? I can’t see it?”
“It’s right over there,” I say impatiently pointing. He takes a step closer to the edge and his intoxicatingly masculine scent goes to my brain, ruffling my feathers.
He shrugs. “Still don’t see anything.”
“Try a little harder. You have to turn your face more to the left,” I say, putting my fingers against his cheek and I turn his head but Blaise isn’t prepared. Somehow he loses his balance and I let out a choked scream when he slips off the edge.
His powerful frame drops, free falls and crashes into the waves. I let out a panicked cry.
Oh shit! What if I killed him?
When his head surfaces my heart starts beating again and I shout,
“Mr. Pendragon, please tell me you’re okay!”
He doesn’t answer and I’m struck by the fact that he doesn’t seem to be the best swimmer. In fact he seems to be struggling. Without giving it a second thought I dive down into the foam, right after him.
Icy water envelopes me and I swim towards the surface, wheezing for air as I look around for Blaise.
“I’m here,” I yell in panic, crawling towards him as he turns to look at me in a furious rage. It’s the fear. I’d be scared too, if I didn’t know how to swim. “I’m here.”
“You need to bloody watch yourself,” Blaise fires. “You seem to be a perpetual danger to your own life and others...”
He trails off when I put my arms around his throat in a chokehold, pulling him onto my chest and start swimming backwards.
“Miss. Crichlow, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”