Page 16 of The Holidate Season
“This is a courtesy call to let you know that the room I mentioned to you earlier, the one we thought might become available tomorrow night, is in fact going to remain occupied. The situation with the occupants’ family emergency changed, so they’ve decided to stay through the remainder of their trip after all.”
“Great,” I muttered. “Well, thank you for letting me know.”
I hung up and pulled on my hair.Whatnow?
If I wasn’t going to have a place to stay tomorrow night, I needed to book myself a flight for tomorrow. I didn’t want to stay here anyway if Sarah’s “boyfriend” would be sticking around.
I opened my laptop to check flights. There was only one plane out in the morning and a couple more at night. I called the airline. That 10 AM flight was full. They told me they could put me on standby if I wanted to just come to the airport, so that’s what I decided to do. Given that Sarah still hadn’t contacted me, I was at peace with the decision to leave. Her silence spoke volumes.
The following morning, I was all packed up but felt my walls breaking down a bit. My original plan had been to leave quietly, with little fanfare. But a part of me couldn’t do that without seeing her face one last time. I owed her at least a proper goodbye after the time we’d had together, despite my bitterness over her not texting me back.
I decided to have breakfast at the restaurant in her hotel. It would be her call if she wanted to join me. When I got there, I texted her. If she didn’t text back this time, it would be the last time I ever reached out.
Kelly: Hey. Not sure if you’re still sleeping or what. But wanted to let you know I’m here at the restaurant for a quick breakfast before I head to the airport this morning. I’m leaving soon, if you’re around to say goodbye.
Not even two seconds went by before a response came in.
Sarah: Goodbye? What do you mean?
Kelly: I had to check out of my hotel, and the room at yours didn’t pan out. Between that and your original vacation partner showing up, I thought it was best I head out early. My flight leaves at 10 AM.
Sarah: Your flight? Oh my God! Don’t you dare leave! I’m coming right down.
Confused, I sat at a table and waited.
The next thing I knew, Sarah was running into the restaurant—in a short, white bathrobe.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I stood up from the table. “You could’ve gotten dressed.”
She fastened the tie around her robe. “You were really going to take off?”
“You never texted me back last night. What did you expect?”
“Not this!” She sighed. “Trent wouldn’t leave. We spent hours going back and forth—mostly him trying to make excuses for what he did and explaining why I should take him back. It was torture. By the time he finally gave up and realized I wasn’t letting him stay with me, it was so late that I decided to just contact you this morning. But you beat me to it.”
My eyes narrowed. “Where is he?”
“He went back to the airport late last night.”
“He’s gone?”
“Yes. I sent him packing. I’m never taking him back after what he did to me. Never.”
Relief washed over me. “Well, good.”
“He asked me to explain what was going on between you and me. I told him the truth: that, sure, you were a contest winner, but that you turned out to be so much more.” She inched toward me. “Kelly, in the short time we’ve known each other, you’ve taught me that life is too short to waste time with anyone who doesn’t appreciate me. The last thing I told Trent was that I would send him one of your clit ticklers so he could give it to the next poor woman he screws over, because she’s going to need it when he leaves her high and dry. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn’t care.” She laughed, then said, “I realize now I should have texted you last night to tell you all this. I never imagined you would have tried to take off so soon.”
“I thought you were…with him. I didn’t want to stick around for all that.”
“No.” She shook her head. “All I’ve wanted this entire time was to get back to you—to get back to that moment where you and I were going to have piña coladas at the pool. I’m so sorry that never happened.”
I took a step closer. “You’d said you needed to talk to me yesterday—before he showed up. What was that about?”
“I was going to ask you to spend tonight with me. In my room. Inourroom. The room that was rightfully yours from the beginning.”
My heart sped up as I cradled her cheek. “You sure that’s what you want?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”