Page 8 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
I look back at my shot and push it away.I can't do this.It doesn't matter that the need to feed my magic is almost consuming, or that I have no other way to fix that, I can't be here.And I can't go hook up with someone at a normal club either, and I don't want to date.
Which is really leaving me out of options, particularly when my succubus magic is only going to get more demanding and not less.Things were much simpler before I reached maturity and it didn't need feeding.
But there's no turning back the clock.I just have to figure out how to deal with this going forward.
No matterhow much I try not to think of my failed attempt at going to Club Talon a couple of nights ago, my mind keeps slipping back to it at every chance imaginable.I wish it had gone better, but I know I can't push myself too far.
I let out a sigh and try to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing instead.I tap my foot against the ground as I wait for the barista to have my drink order ready so I can take them with me to meet the others.
My whole body feels on edge from the demands of my magic and I'm finding it difficult to focus because of it.I might have to go back to Club Talon regardless of whether it worked the first time.Though it'll probably take a whole bottle of tequila for me to get through with it.
"Mandy," the barista calls, putting the tray of drinks down on the part of the counter reserved for collecting drinks.
I grab the tray and head further into the library towards the meeting room where we have our study sessions.At least making sense of the latest lecture should distract me from the gnawing inside.
I turn around to push the door open with my back just as Darius arrives.A smile springs to my face unbidden and despite all of my worries.I already knew he was going to be here, but seeing him is still a bright spot to my day.
"Hey, let me get that for you," he says, hurrying forward and pushing it open.
"Thanks."The movement brings us closer together than I'm normally comfortable with people being, but there's something about him that puts me at ease in a way other people don't.
"It's the least I can do for someone bringing me caffeine," he responds.
I snort."You brought it last time."
"Oh, I know.But this way, it feels like I get a free coffee three weeks out of four."
"That's not how it works, you pay more in the fourth week," I point out as we enter the room.I'm surprised to find that neither Erica nor Carlton are here yet.It isn't like either of them to be late.Maybe it has to do with the time we've chosen.
"Oh, I know that's how it actually works, but it still feels like it's free," Darius responds, bringing me back to the conversation.
"Mmm, I'll give you that one."I put the tray down on the table and take my normal seat.
My head swims and I press a hand against my forehead.
"You okay?"Darius asks, sitting down beside me, concern in his voice.
"It's nothing," I murmur.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm just feeling a bit dizzy," I say."I probably haven't eaten enough today or something.I had early morning cheer practice and it always takes a lot out of me."
"Somehow I never pegged cheerleaders for early morning practice people."
"Probably because you're thinking of the stereotypical cheerleaders from the movies who are all queen bees and putting everyone else down," I point out.
"Oh, so you're not walking around in uniform all the time?"
"Does it look like it?"I ask, gesturing down to the comfy shirt I'm wearing which is definitely very far from my cheer uniform.
"Fair point."
"We don't even practise in our uniforms," I point out."It's more of a leggings and sports shirt situation."