Page 47 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
We come to a stop in front of the door to my building and I turn to him.He leans in and brushes his lips against mine, kissing me softly.
"Would you come inside?"I whisper once we've broken apart.
"Do you want me to?"
I nod."And if you wanted to stay the night, I'd also be okay with that."Especially now the gnawing sensation is gone and I'm actually going to be able to focus on everything else more than I can.
"Only if you're comfortable with that."
"I think I like the idea," I admit."But I'll tell you if anything changes."
"Good.Then, yes, I'd like to come in."
"Great."I fumble with my keys and manage to properly unlock the door and lead him inside."All right, we're here," I say unnecessarily, it's not like he hasn't been inside my room before, but this feels different.
I boot up my laptop so we can find something to watch.
"How do you feel?"Darius asks.
"Good.A little tingly.I think that's just my wings and horns wanting to get out though."
He raises an eyebrow."You have horns?"
"A tail too."
"Somehow, I missed that."
I kick off my shoes and remove my jumper so I'm just in my shirt underneath.I turn around to find Darius staring at me.
"You okay?"
"There are marks all over your back?Is that normal?"
"Oh, sorry, I forgot I was wearing a tank top.Those are just my wings."I turn my back to him again and pull up the back of my top so he can see the rest of the marks there.
"Wow, I didn't realise they'd be visible when you didn't have them out."
"Yeah, I know, it's a weird succubi quirk as far as I know.But I've also never gone around staring at the backs of other people with wings, so maybe I'm wrong."
"You're not, at least for cupids."He turns around himself and lifts up the back of his shirt, revealing nothing but a smooth expanse of dark brown skin, even in the spots where I know his wings are.
"Can you still feel them?"I reach out to touch the spot where I know his wings grow from.
"Yes, they're still there."
"Amazing," I murmur, pulling my hand back.
"It is," he agrees.He lets his shirt fall back into place."As are yours."
"You should see them when they're actually out."I pause and bite my bottom lip."Do you want to see?"
"If you want to show me."
"Maybe I show everyone?"
"I don't think so," he replies."Unless you can avoid it."