Page 42 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
"I think that's more because I've always jumped to the getting-drunk-and-having-sex-anyway part."I grimace even as I think about it."That was really reckless of me."I glance at the door, hoping that Erica and Carlton don't arrive while we're in the middle of an important conversation.That would seem like just my luck.Perhaps I should have waited until later, but then I wouldn't be able to go through the rest of the afternoon wondering about whether I can do something about it.
"You did what you felt you had to, you need to be kind to yourself about it," he assures me."But for what it's worth, I'm really glad you decided you didn't want to do that this time."
"Me too."I check the door again before leaning in and kissing him gently.
I break away but stay close to him, a smile coming to my face.
The door swings open and we pull away from one another.
"Well, that explains that," Erica says, heading into the room and setting down her bag along with the drinks."I've been wondering for a few weeks."
My cheeks flush red."Sorry."
She shrugs."Nothing to be sorry for, you're cute together."
"Thanks?"I fiddle with my hair.
"Are you feeling better after whatever happened last week?"she asks.
"Oh, erm, more or less."I look at Darius who gives me a reassuring smile."I have an appointment later that'll hopefully sort it for good."At least that's what I'm hoping.
"Good, we were worried about you."
"Darius took good care of me," I promise.
"I'm sure he did.I guess we should pick up where we left off last week if you're good with that?"Erica checks."Though I can take notes, you should stay sitting."
I chuckle."All right, I'll do that."It's probably for the best until I've sorted out my succubus issues and I know for sure that I'm not going to get dizzy spells again.
It's exciting to think that the end might be in sight.And I can't wait for that to actually be the case.
Mandy is almost shakingas we approach Club Talon, and it makes my heart hurt to think about how difficult this must be for her.
I reach out and take her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.
She flashes me a grateful smile, even though it doesn't do anything to hide her nerves.Though she does seem to relax a small amount.A wave of affection comes from her at the same time, and it reassures me that I'm doing the right thing by coming with her and she's not feeling uncomfortable that I'm with her.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want," I remind her.
"I know."
"And you can do it alone if you want to."
She looks up at the front door of the club."I don't want to do this alone.But if you don't want to be here..."
"I do," I assure her quickly."I don't want you to have to deal with this alone."
"I appreciate that more than you can know."
I lean in and kiss the top of her head.I've not been so easily physical with anyone since my ex, but she seems to like the assurance it brings.
"Okay, I'm ready," she says, stepping inside the building and heading to the front desk.
The woman tapping away on her computer looks up and smiles in a surprisingly friendly manner."Hi, welcome to Club Talon, how can I help?"