Page 27 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
She looks down at the table of food and picks up the fried rice she must have gotten for herself, though she doesn't look all that interested in eating it."Do you feed off the feelings?"
"Not precisely," I respond honestly."But not being around healthy relationships and that feeling tends to make cupids depressed and not at our best.So I guess maybe the answer is actually yes, but not in a traditional sense."
"So definitely not the way that succubi works."She seems dejected.
"You don't know that, if you can feel attraction the way I can, then it must mean something."It would be strange if she has the ability without being able to actually do anything with it.
"I'm not entirely sure I can feel it the exact way you can," she points out."I can sense physical attraction.Though I suppose I can tell when things change from just physical to something more.It's hard to describe, really."
I nod."I get it.I don't know if other cupids can feel the physical aspect of things.Maybe they can and I just can't because I don't feel it myself the same way?"
"It could be that everyone feels it slightly differently and can't really explain it to anyone else."
"I wonder what the child of a succubi and a cupid would make," she muses."Which DNA do you think would win out?"
"Maybe it would be one of the rare instances where a hybrid is made," I reply."Though we'd probably have heard about that."
"I should ask my flatmate, that's what she's studying."
"Wow, supernatural genetics sounds like it's a huge minefield."
"I think it is," she agrees."It's not something I'd want to dive into, I barely understand how my own magic works, I don't need to get confused with everyone else's too."
I let out an amused laugh."Yeah, that's fair."
We lapse into a comfortable silence as we eat the rest of our food.It's already a bit cooler than is ideal, but I don't really mind.I sneak a glance at Mandy, though maybe it isn't sneaking when she's sitting in my bedroom by her own choice.
She pushes some of her long brown hair behind her ear and looks up, noticing me.She smiles shyly, and I can't help feeling a little different than I normally do, but I can't explain precisely why.
The only thing I know is that I'm enjoying her company, and I'd like to spend more time with her.
Hopefully, she'll feel the same.
The rugby matchis in full swing in front of me, but I can't really follow what's going on.
"What's happening?"Grace asks Krissi.
"Oh, I've no idea," she responds."I've tried to have Jeremy explain it to me, but it all goes over my head.He says he feels the same when I talk about competitive cheer."
I laugh and shake my head."At least Grace doesn't have that problem."
"Oh, I don't know.Sometimes I'm not sure Henry knows what's going on."The pixie throws a smile in the direction of her boyfriend, who just shrugs in response, not even bothering to argue against her.
A whistle blows, and our attention gets pulled back to the match in front of us.
And more importantly, to the dragon shifter now commanding our attention.
"I think someone scored," Krissi says.
"Them or us?"I look up to the scoreboard and see three points added to the Obscure Academy side."Ah, us."
"All right, let's go!"Zara calls, not mentioning that we're celebrating a point.She clearly has more faith in us than she lets on if she thinks that we all know what's going on.