Page 15 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
I nod."A few times.But I kind of got so drunk that I didn't think about it."I wince even at the memory.Or the almost lack of memory.
"Hmm, that's not really sustainable," she says."Or safe."
"I know.That's just the only way I could even consider doing it.It was reckless and dumb, and just the idea of doing it again makes me come out in a cold sweat," I respond.
"As your best friend, I'd really appreciate you didn't put yourself in danger like that."
I give her a shaky smile."Thanks, Evie.Still leaves me with the same problem, though."
"If you don't want to talk to your mum, is there another succubus you could talk to?"
"Dad walked out on us when I was a kid, and I don't know any of my other family."Which is now starting to seem like a bigger issue than I've ever considered it to be.
"Ah.What about here at the academy?"
"There aren't any that I know about, but maybe I just haven't met them.And even if I did, what if they don't understand?"It's one of the things that has stopped me from seeking out any of the others, though I'm certain there are some at the academy.
"What about asking a cupid for help?"Evie suggests.
"A cupid?"I echo.
"It might not work, but I think their magic works similarly, right?They feed off love?"She takes a sip of her coffee and lets out a sigh of appreciation, reminding me of my tea, but I don't move to drink it.
"Hmm, I guess?I've never known a cupid well enough to ask."
"There's the cupid advice sessions on Fridays, I think?I saw it in the last newsletter.I really don't know if it'll work.They might not be able to help at all, but it's the only solution I've got that doesn't involve putting you in danger or making you uncomfortable."
"And what if it doesn't work?"
"Then we'll find another way," she promises."You can't be the only succubus ever to feel like this.But I'll help you, Mandy, I promise."
"Thanks, Evie."
"What are friends for?"she says.
"Reminding you that we have cheerleading practice this afternoon?"
Evie groans."And Zara's working us harder than ever," she mutters."Do you think we'll get a break any time this term?"
"You know we won't," I point out."She's still mad about the last round of the competition and she wants to win before she graduates."
"Then I shouldn't have eaten bagels for breakfast.I'm going to get such a stomach ache."
"It's nothing a shift won't fix," I point out."Just go all hellhoundy and you'll be fine."
She raises an eyebrow."Hellhoundy?"
"What else do you want to call it?Flaming out?"
"That makes it sound way cooler than it is," Evie responds.
"It's pretty cool to me," I point out.
"You say that as if you don't have wings, horns, and a tail."
"They're mostly impractical."
Evie shrugs."So is being a hellhound.It doesn't really affect much of my day-to-day life."