Page 1 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
I headthrough the glass doors of the library and to the meeting rooms at the back of the building.A slight gnawing sensation starts within me, confusing me considering I've just had lunch.
Until I realise that it's not physical hunger, it's that my magic needs feeding and it's been too long since I did that.I push the thought aside, knowing it's not the time to deal with my succubus side needing some feeding.Or whatever it is that it counts as.
But right now, my mind needs to be on my studies and not on my supernatural side.I check the room numbers until I find number four.I pause outside and consider knocking, but then dismiss it and enter.
"Hey," I say to the three people already sitting around the table.
"Hi," a girl with bright red hair responds."I'm Erica.This is Darius and Carlton."
"Mandy," I respond, slipping into one of the empty seats.
"I'm Darius," the guy next to me says, holding out his hand.I meet his gaze, his dark eyes strangely captivating.
I shake it while giving him what I hope is a friendly smile."Hey."
"Does anyone want some coffee?"Carlton asks as he gets to his feet."It's going to be a long couple of hours if we're going to make sense of the Supernatural Psychology lectures.My head is still spinning from yesterday."
"I wouldn't mind one," Erica responds."Just a plain black coffee for me, I think I might have some cash on me."
"Oh, don't worry about that.My turn this week, someone else's next week?"Carlton offers.
"Sounds good to me," Erica responds.
"All right, what about you two?"he asks, turning to us.
"A mint tea for me, please," I say.
He raises an eyebrow."What are you?An athlete or something?"
"Competitive cheer," I respond."So kind of."I know not everyone thinks of it as a sport, but it certainly is one as far as I'm concerned.
"Impressive," Darius says.
"Thanks."I smile."Most people say something more catty than that about how I don't seem like the cheerleader type."
"I wouldn't even know what the cheerleader type looked like," he admits."I'll have a mocha, please."
"Great, I'll be back," Carlton says, disappearing out of the room to go to the coffee shop at the front of the library.
"So, I guess this means we're definitely a study group, then," Erica says."There was someone else who said they might be interested, but I didn't hear back from them after the first email."
I shrug."If they get here, they get here.It's not like it's a group project."
"Thankfully, I've had enough of those this year already," Darius mutters.
Erica laughs."Oh yeah, tell me about it.The one I worked on last term had two people who didn't do what they were supposed to.I wish there was some kind of system for reporting that kind of thing."
"Maybe they'll bring one in if enough of us complain about the situation.I've heard some horror stories about group projects," I respond.
"We should be so lucky," Erica replies.
I flick through my notebook to find the right page.Maybe I should be taking notes on a laptop or a tablet, but the information goes into my head better if it's on paper.So long as I can read my own writing, anyway.
The door opens and Carlton steps back in with a tray of drinks."There wasn't much of a queue."