Page 8 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
"It is safer than Acapulco, and I have no plans to leave the resort to explore, so I don't feel threatened."
"It's sad." Frankie sighed. "What is the world coming to?"
Margo snorted. "Says the girl who only a moment ago blamed the news for making everything seem more dire than it is."
"It does, but it's always done that, and yet it seems like it's much worse now than it was only a few years ago."
"It's anarchy," Margo said. "Today it's Mexico, tomorrow it's the States. Soon, there will be nowhere safe to hide." She chuckled. "Maybe Tom's eccentric partners are not so eccentric after all. Perhaps they are better prepared for the bleak future than the rest of us plebs. They have their own security force and a secret compound. We are lucky to get invited there."
"Yes, we are."
Margo didn't know how right she was. The immortals were hiding from all humans, not just the bad players from Mexico and other evildoers from around the world, and that made their village a real sanctuary.
Was there a chance they would let her bring her entire family if things got really bad in California?
Probably not.
What was she going to do?
Frankie was not about to abandon her family while she had a nice cozy place to hide.
"Tom and his partners are rich and well connected," Margo murmured. "They might know things that the general public is not privy to. The elite is in the know, while the rest of us are fumbling in the dark while trying to survive."
"Right. But Tom and his partners are the good guys. It will be beneficial for us to be around them because when they hear about the danger that the rest of us aren't aware of, they will sound a warning."
"Or so you hope. Should I remind you what happened on the Titanic? The rich got in the rescue boats while the crew barred the poor from leaving, condemning them to drown."
"Don't believe everything you see in the movies."
"I don't." Margo huffed out a breath. "Usually, they try to sugarcoat things, not the other way around. Face it, Frankie, we are part of the faceless, voiceless masses, and the elites don't care what happens to us. They only care about power and money."
Frankie rolled her eyes. "You read too many conspiracy theory books and get upset over things that you cannot change regardless of them being true or false. Switch to romance novels, and you will be much happier. Ignorance is bliss, right?"
"Yeah, but it's also irresponsible. I refuse to be a sheep, ignorantly and blissfully led to slaughter."
When Dagor got to the Lido deck it was still early in the morning, and there was hardly anyone there. One guy was swimming in the pool, two sat on the edge with their feet dangling in the water, and several females were sunbathing on the lounge chairs with their eyes covered with dark sunglasses.
No one was at the bar, which was a great opportunity for an uninterrupted chat with Bob.
As Dagor sat on one of the barstools, the robot turned around to face him with a silly grin on his shiny metallic face.
"Hello, Master Doug. What can I serve you?"
"How about a glass of sparkling water?"
"Certainly, master." One of his long arms reached for a glass and put it under a spout while the other one pressed the lever to release the stream.
"Do you know what my real name is?" Dagor asked as Bob handed him the glass.
"Of course, master. I thought that you preferred to be called Master Doug, but if you wish, I can call you Master Dagor."
"Why do you use the honorific 'master'? Most humans use Mister or none at all."
Bob blinked, which looked oddly human on his metallic face. Not that he'd been designed to approximate a human. His head was much too small for the size of his body, he didn't have a nose, and his eyes were round, but they had a shutter that looked like an eyelid.
"This is how I was programmed to address my clients. Master for a gentleman and mistress for a lady."