Page 6 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
Could it be that Annani was more powerful than her grandfather?
The truth was that only fools relied on visions and prophecies. El had thousands of offspring, and any one of them could one day produce a descendant who was more powerful than the Eternal King.
For all she knew, the rumors were true about Ahn having fathered the Kra-ell queen's twin children, and one or both of them could be more powerful than El.
They were not legitimate, but did it really matter? If it was true, they were the descendants of two royal houses, and the female twin could ascend to the Kra-ell throne with ease.
But what if it was Annani, after all?
It was both comforting and terrifying to hope for. But whether Annani was more powerful than the Eternal King or not, Ani needed to protect her granddaughter, no matter the cost.
"There is more," Sofri said.
Ani arched a brow. "Does Annani have siblings?"
Sofri snorted in a very undignified way. "Not that I know of. But Aru is concerned about the king finding out that humans are no longer a bunch of primitives fighting each other on horseback. They have developed technology, and their population has exploded. There are eight billion of them. Your mate might decide to cull the numbers and destroy their progress, or he might decide to do away with them altogether."
Ani hated it when people referred to the Eternal King as her mate. It had been a political marriage, and she had not loved him for even one minute of it. She had endured him until she had produced an heir, and if she had known what he would do to his own son, she would have refused the king in her bedchamber from the very start. She had enough political sway of her own to prevent him from punishing her for that.
"He will not do away with all humans, but he might send a pathogen to cull their numbers. What is the state of their medical progress?"
"I do not know," Sofri admitted. "Aru might have told Aria, but she did not tell me."
"I need much more information." Ani adjusted the folds of her gown. "Instruct Aria to collect as much as she can. I will come to see you every day from now on."
The Oracle paled. "You cannot. It will be suspicious."
"I can easily excuse it. I can say that you are in one of your states of fugue, and I cannot get you to counsel me on the important issues I rely on you for. That is why I need to be here every day. Or I might come up with something better. I need to think about it some more."
Sofri shook her head. "I have petitioners who have been waiting for centuries to have an audience with me. I cannot just turn them away, not even for the queen."
Ani waved a dismissive hand. "From now on, shorten every visit by a few minutes. Review the protocol with your attendants and see where you can cut corners. By the end of the day, you should have saved enough time to dedicate an hour to me."
Sofri bowed her head. "As you wish, my queen."
"Oh, stop that." Ani slapped her friend's thigh. "I am Ani to you, never the queen."
Sofri lifted both brows. "You sounded so imperious just now that I was compelled to call you 'my queen'."
Ani winced. "Ingrained habits. Can you pull it off?"
"I will do my best."
"He left before I woke up this morning," Frankie complained to Margo.
"Did he leave a note?"
"Nope." Frankie sighed. "But enough about me. How are you doing?"
"'I'm good. Lynda and her friends are much nicer when drunk, which is most of the time now. They finally let loose and stopped their silly posturing."
"Good." Frankie chewed on her thumbnail. "I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself."
She could really use Margo right now. They could go to the Lido deck, flirt with all the hunky immortals, and make Dagor jealous.
He might have left early for a good reason like his boss needing him or a meeting with the goddess or with Kian, but he could have left a note or a message on her phone. So yeah, he was an alien who had only been on Earth for five years, and most of them had not been spent in the States, so he might not know that he was supposed to do that, but it still rankled.