Page 58 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
Embarrassed, Dagor rubbed the back of his neck. "My head was somewhere else. Frankie is awake, by the way."
"I know. I'm going to see her now."
She patted his arm before heading down the hallway and opening the door to the clinic.
He waited a few seconds to make sure she wasn't coming back and ducked into the room she'd just left. Hopefully, there were no surveillance cameras inside.
The light turned on automatically, and Dagor found himself inside a supply room that held much more than just stuff for the clinic.
Shelves with janitorial supplies lined one wall, and towels and other housekeeping items lined the other. The medical supply cabinet was straight ahead at the back of the room.
The good news was that he could claim to have needed a new bottle of shampoo or soap, and that would provide him with plausible deniability. The bad news was that the cabinet was locked, and his burglary skills were lacking.
He could easily break it open, but that would defeat the objective of keeping the operation a secret.
The lock seemed simple, though, like the ones people put on their mailboxes that anyone with a thin blade could open, but he didn't have any tools on him and needed to improvise.
A quick scan of the room revealed a section of the shelving that was dedicated to cutlery, and he found what he needed there.
Fortunately, the lock was as simple as he had imagined, and as he gently turned the blade inside it, the door swung open.
Finding what he needed, he swiftly pocketed a package containing a syringe. The needle portion looked too big for the task, but it seemed to be the only kind they stocked. All the other packages looked exactly the same as the one he took.
On his way out, he stopped by the toiletries section and put two little shampoo containers in his other pocket and two small soap bars on top of the syringe packet.
Even if someone had seen him going in and came to investigate, he doubted they would frisk him or search his pockets. He would just show them the toiletries, and if they insisted on doing more, he would thrall them to forget about it.
After all, he was a god.
Stepping out into the hallway, Dagor glanced both ways to ensure no one had seen him and closed the door quietly behind him.
As he made his way back to Frankie's room, Dagor once again reflected on what she'd said to him. Was she right? Was he refusing to acknowledge his feelings and hiding behind his duty and his determination not to tie himself to a female who wasn't a goddess?
Shaking his head, Dagor tried to streamline his thoughts.
The problem with love was that it was impossible to quantify or measure it, or to determine its validity. Everything else about the big decisions he had taken throughout his life had been rational and straightforward, and he didn't have the necessary tools to deal with abstract notions and feelings that contradicted his own.
The Fates wouldn't have bothered putting Frankie in Dagor's path if she had no chance of making him happy. That was what the nurse had implied, and her words had been playing on repeat in Frankie's head.
She was the only human onboard the ship who wasn't a confirmed Dormant, and from what she'd been told, Kian had made an exception for her and Margo only because Lisa, Geraldine's fake niece, had said that she felt they were Dormants.
The girl's ability wasn't confirmed, but her endorsement was better than its absence.
In either case, Frankie decided to let Dagor give her the infusion. At the very least, it would get her back on her feet faster and maybe eliminate the scar that she would otherwise have.
Not that it was such a big deal. A small scar under her ribs could be easily hidden with clothing, and even if she wore a bikini, she could just keep her arm over it. Still, if there was such a simple way to get rid of it, why not?
As the door opened and Dagor walked in, she welcomed him with a smile. "Success?"
"Yes." He patted his pocket as he walked over to her bed and leaned to kiss her forehead. "You seem to be feeling better." He brushed a lock of hair off her cheek.
"I am. Hildegard said I'm doing well; the wound is healing nicely, and my blood pressure is more than okay given how much blood I lost." She smiled. "I'm a healthy girl despite the fainting spells my first day here."
"Thank the merciful Fates." He sat on the stool next to her bed. "Have you given the transfusion some more thought?"
She nodded. "I want it."