Page 47 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
"I see that you have it all figured out."
"Yes, well, it's not like it requires a genius to arrive at the conclusion that this is the right thing to do. I also think that you should ask Amanda to organize a shopping trip in Acapulco to get new clothing and other necessities for the ladies. Jacki says that they need everything, and that Amanda will know what she means by that."
"Amanda is getting ready for her wedding tonight, but I'll ask Syssi and Alena."
"Yes, about that." Kalugal sounded apologetic. "We should push the celebration back by at least a couple of hours. Otherwise, there is no way we will get it all sorted out in time for the wedding."
"Good idea. I'll let Amanda and the kitchen staff know."
Amanda held up her empty margarita glass. "Onidu, another round, please."
Sari chuckled. "You should go easy on the alcohol, or you're going to show up drunk for your own wedding.No bueno."
She was overdoing it a little, and if her mother was there she would not approve, but she wasn't, and until she came, Amanda was going to keep drinking.
"Look at you." Amanda grinned at Sari. "You are learning Spanish for our Mexico trip."
For some reason, Sari had never spent more than a day or two in Spain, and her visits to California had also been too brief to learn the language.
Her sister laughed. "That's the only phrase I know, and I've been using it for years. It has nothing to do with the cruise."
Syssi raised her glass, which was still mostly full. "Hasta la vista, baby." She snorted. "Turning immortal didn't make me any better at learning languages. That's about all I know in Spanish."
"I'm fluent," Amanda boasted.
"Of course, you are." Syssi affected a grimace. "You are good at everything."
Amanda snorted. "Except singing. The Fates decreed that this would be the one thing I suck at, which really rankles since my mother and sisters all have wonderful singing voices."
She was slightly tipsy but in a good way. It was still many hours until the wedding reception, and her fast immortal metabolism would ensure that she was completely sober by then.
The only thing casting a shadow on her jubilant mood was Dalhu's reluctance to have his own bachelor party with the guys. Knowing her brother though, Kian would not take no for an answer, but he hadn't called Dalhu yet, so maybe they were not ready, or maybe they were preparing something special.
Naturally, there would be no strippers or any other kind of debauchery that was common in human bachelor parties, but perhaps Anandur was planning on pulling a prank on Dalhu like he had done for Kian, and dressing as a stripper, complete with fishnet stockings and lipstick.
"What are you smiling about?" Syssi asked.
"Anandur dressing up as a stripper for Kian's bachelor party. I was thinking that maybe he was going to do that for Dalhu. My guy needs a good laugh to loosen up before the ceremony."
"A bottle of whiskey and a couple of cigars should do it," Sari said. "He'll be fine."
Amanda sighed dramatically. "Dalhu would prefer to stay with Evie in the other room and watch baby shows with her. It's sweet that he loves spending time with his daughter, but I just wish he'd show more enthusiasm about our wedding tonight instead of dreading everything about it."
"Not everything." Syssi smiled. "He doesn't like the idea of pledging his life to you in front of the entire clan, but I bet he would love it if it was just your mother and the two of you."
Alena nodded in agreement. "I have no doubt."
Amanda took the fresh margarita from Onidu. "Thank you, darling." She took a sip as she considered how to respond. "I know that, but I can't accommodate his wishes, and not just because I love big parties. I'm a public figure whether I like it or not, and my wedding celebration needs to be grand and shared with my entire clan. He knew that when he mated me."
"It's not like he had a choice," Sari pointed out. "The Fates chose to bring the two of you together."
Amanda grimaced. "That sounds as romantic as doing laundry." She snorted. "The only time I've actually laundered my own clothes was when Dalhu kidnapped me. We were in the cabin, and he bought me horrendous outfits that I wouldn't wear even to bed, so I tried to wash what I had on." She laughed. "That didn't end well."
"I bet," Sari scoffed over her margarita.
As the doorbell rang, Amanda lifted her tablet to see who was on the other side and was delighted to see that it was Kian.