Page 38 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
"So how will she find us? I assume that there aren't many roads out here, but there must be more than one."
"Her driver will hone in on Jin's signal."
"She has a tracker?" Negal's tone lost its warmth.
Kian chuckled. "She has a clan phone. That's just as good as a tracker."
"I see." Negal's tone returned to its normal amiability.
"How is Frankie doing?" Kian asked.
There was a short pause before Negal answered, and Kian imagined him checking with Dagor. "Not so good, but she's still breathing."
That didn't sound encouraging, but it was what it was.
"If anything changes, let me know."
"I will."
As Kian ended the call, he turned to look at Brundar, and the Guardian lifted his head from his phone. "Anandur and Bridget are on the move."
That was fast. "We need to get four trucks or a bus to the scene."
Brundar nodded. "I'm on it."
When Kian's phone rang again, he was glad that the caller was Yamanu, but he was also mad as hell that no one had thought to update him before rushing to rescue the humans without a solid plan or asking for backup. He was going to chew the heads off everyone who should have known better, including Yamanu's, but not right now.
"I assume that the thugs were dealt with, and the kidnapped women are safe?"
"You assume correctly," Yamanu said. "The thugs are in pieces, and I don't mean that figuratively. Even if we hadn't known what they did from Jacki's vision, it was enough to see the state the women were in to get all of us into a killing rage. I don't think any of us fired a single shot. It was all done with fangs." He sighed. "And now we have twenty-three severely traumatized women and girls on our hands, not only because they were violated repeatedly after seeing their families slaughtered by the cartel, but also because they saw a bunch of demons tearing apart the monsters who did it."
"You should thrall them to forget what they saw."
"I tried to calm them down, but it wasn't enough. Kalugal put them to sleep first to stop the hysterics and is thralling them to forget what they saw while out."
"Good. That's the first step. Brundar is trying to arrange vehicles to transport them so we can return them to their people."
There was a pause before Yamanu responded. "They no longer have a home. Their entire village was destroyed, and all their relatives murdered."
Cursing under his breath, Kian shook his head. "Can we take them to some of the other villages? They should have relatives there who would be willing to take them in."
"I don't know about that," Yamanu said. "I'll try to speak to them after Kalugal is done manipulating their memories."
It didn't sound like Yamanu thought that finding the women new homes in the surrounding villages was a viable solution, but Kian had no intention of bringing them on board. This wasn't the same as the rescue missions they ran back home, where they brought the victims to the sanctuary for rehabilitation. This was a cartel war, and the rules were different. Taking these women away from everything they knew was not a good solution to the problem, but scattering them among the other villages might not be a good one either.
Kian couldn't think of any other options, but he had learned a long time ago to accept that not every problem could be satisfactorily solved. Sometimes, slapping on a temporary patch was all that could be done.
Aru had asked Negal to call him right after he was done talking to Kian, but more than five minutes had passed, and he hadn't called yet.
Given Frankie's condition, time was of the essence, and Aru needed to tell his teammate about the lifesaving transfusion that could be given to her.
Kian had asked him to keep secret the information about what a god's blood could do, but this was an emergency. Frankie was important to Dagor whether he wanted to admit it or not, and if she died, he would be devastated.
Besides, her life was more important than the promise Aru had given Kian.
In this case, it would be best to provide the information to his teammates first and ask for Kian's forgiveness second.