Page 16 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Mind
"We all got Portuguese passports. They are one of the best in the world. It gives us the right to settle and work in any of the EU countries, and it also provides us with visa-free access to nearly two hundred countries and territories."
"Who do you mean by all? Everyone in the clan or just you and your god friends?"
"I don't know what the clan does for passports. I was referring to Aru, Negal, and myself."
At that, Frankie looked over her shoulder to glance at Negal and found him chatting with a couple of Guardians. "Is he okay back there? I don't mind him hanging out with us. I don't want him to feel as if he has to keep his distance."
Dagor waved a dismissive hand. "Negal is loving this. He’s missed having the camaraderie of fellow troopers."
"Good. I'm not the kind of girl who hogs her guy's time and wants him all to herself."
He arched a brow. "You still didn't tell me your rules of engagement."
"Later." She followed Kalugal to the second vehicle in the row. "I'll tell you when we are back in my cabin. Alone."
"I don't think I can last that long," Dagor murmured as he climbed into the vehicle behind her. "Something is bothering you, and I want to know what it is, so I don't repeat the mistake."
She waited until he’d sat next to her before leaning her head on his shoulder and whispering, "Next time you wake up before me and decide to leave, you should scribble a note or send me a message. Otherwise, I might think that you were disappointed about our night together and that you don't want to see me again."
His arm tightened around her. "I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. It wasn't my intention."
She looked up at him. "Then what was it?"
He let out a breath. "Let's talk about it later."
The two other couples in the jeep were pretending not to hear their exchange, but she knew that they had heard every word, and she didn't want to give them any more gossip fodder. Besides, she hadn't actually made a list other than what she'd already told him.
How was she going to explain relationships to an alien? Especially since she didn't know whether he was really clueless, overwhelmed by how fast their relationship was moving, or just emotionally stunted.
But maybe he was being smarter than her about it. She could already feel the pain of separation, and they had a full week left to enjoy each other.
As the vehicle in front of them started moving, Frankie watched Negal talking with a couple she wasn't familiar with. The guy was tall and lanky, and the girl was short and pretty.
"That's Vlad and Wendy." Edna turned to look at her as if she had been reading her mind. "They are one of the couples who are getting married on this cruise." She turned back.
"Good to know," Dagor said.
"Are they both…" Frankie stopped as the word immortal refused to leave her mouth, "…you know, different?"
Frankie had forgotten that she couldn't talk about the forbidden subjects because the driver was human. She was pretty sure that Kalugal had taken care of thralling Luis or compelling him so it was safe to talk around him, but that didn't change the nature of Toven's compulsion. Unless the god altered the phrasing, she couldn't say anything about gods or immortals.
"They are." The judge's mate turned to look at them. "You can talk freely around Luis. Kalugal told him about the movie script we are working on." He winked and added in a lower voice, "Later he's going to thrall his memories of this excursion away. As to your question, Wendy is a newly turned immortal." He shifted his gaze to Frankie. "You can talk to her about transitioning."
"Mia can tell me all I need to know."
The movie script idea could be a convenient work-around of Toven's compulsion. If Frankie pretended that she was talking about a script, she could say anything she wanted.
"True, but it's always good to get another perspective," the guy said. "Especially on something as pivotal and irreversible as turning immortal or remaining human."
The vehicle cruised along the smooth pavement, but the comfortable ride didn't last long. As soon as they left the city limits, cutting a swath through the foliage on either side of the road, things became bumpy even though it was still paved. There were potholes everywhere, and fallen vegetation necessitated maneuvering around them.
The seats were old and stiff, and bumping over them was sure to leave her sore by the end of the trip.
"This is going to be tough on my butt," she murmured.
"That's unacceptable," Dagor said, and the next moment she found herself sitting in his lap. "Better?"
"I'm not sure." She smiled and leaned against his chest. "There is still something hard under my butt."