Page 56 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Heart
The truth was that being held in his arms and pressed against his chest was a treat. It was also a tiny taste of what she could expect later, provided that she didn't faint again and that Mia and Toven would trust Dagor with her.
"You are not." He glanced between the two doors. "Which one is your room?"
"The one on the left." She wrapped her arms around his neck.
As he carried her to her room, she was glad she had made her bed and hung up all the dresses she had tried on before choosing the blue one.
Perhaps she had done it subconsciously to match the color of his eyes?
When Dagor deposited her on the bed, Frankie immediately missed the warmth of his embrace and chided herself for getting carried away in her infatuation with the guy.
He was a god, and she was a human who might or might not have some godly genes. The most she could hope for was a shipboard romance, and she needed to be careful and guard her heart while giving in to the attraction. She also needed to remember what Mia and Toven had said about gods and immortals not being all that different from humans. They felt the same emotions and responded to the same stimuli.
She would treat Dagor the same way she would any hunky guy she wanted to hook up with.
Dagor opened the closet and peered at the selection of clothes. "I see mostly evening dresses. Where are your comfortable clothes?"
"Open the second drawer. I have some casual things there. You can pull out any combination you like."
It was cruel to give a guy loose instructions like that, but she was curious to see what Dagor would choose. Would he bring the entire drawer contents to her, or would he pick something?
She was betting on the second option.
Surprising her, he spent a few minutes lifting items and putting them back before deciding on an outfit. When he turned around, holding a pair of biker shorts and a breezy T-shirt with a colorful print on the front, she approved of his selection.
"Not bad." She smiled at him when he handed her the items. "Do you have a sister?"
Dagor shook his head. "I'm an only child. Most gods are lucky to have one, and very few get two. The Clan Mother was blessed by the Fates to have four children. Or maybe her human partners contributed to her fertility."
The Clan Mother was the glowing goddess, and her children were probably among the couples who had escorted her into the dining hall, but that was the extent of Frankie's knowledge.
She was dying to grill him for more details about his world and what it meant to be a god, but right now, she needed to get out of the too-tight dress so she could breathe normally.
"I have many more questions, but I should change clothes before I faint again. It happens every time I learn something new that gets my pulse racing.
The look in his eyes changed, becoming predatory. "I still intend to see you naked tonight. I might as well help you with your dress."
"Nope." She smiled. "You'll have to wait. Besides, I haven't made up my mind about inviting you tonight, so don't get cocky assuming that being a god means you've got it in the bag."
"I never assume anything, Frankie. You are the boss, and what you say goes." He smiled to reassure her. "I'll tell Mia that you are ready for her."
"Thank you."
As Gilbert and Karen entered the elevator, it was already packed and they were the last ones to fit in, or so he thought, until Ingrid and Atzil squeezed in just as the doors closed.
"We made it." Ingrid laughed and high-fived Atzil.
"Barely," Gilbert grumbled. "I hope we don't exceed the weight limit."
As the elevator lurched, he let out a relieved breath and prayed that they wouldn't get stuck.
"Come join us for drinks in our suite," Karen said to Ingrid. "The little ones are sleeping over at Kaia's tonight, so we have the suite all to ourselves."
"We would love to." Ingrid looked up at Atzil. "You're not tired, are you?"
"Nope." He unbuttoned his tuxedo jacket and let out a breath. "But first, I must get out of this monkey suit." He shrugged his massive shoulders. "I can barely move in this thing."