Page 36 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Heart
"Thank you, Bob. That will be all," Dagor said.
The robot bobbed his head in a way that was too similar to Kian's Odu, and then whizzed away.
"You were rude," Frankie said. "Bob was being nice."
"Bob is a machine, and he does what he is programmed to do. He's not a person, and he doesn't have feelings."
"Still, no reason to be rude." Frankie closed her lips around the straw, and Dagor felt his fangs starting to elongate.
"Excuse me for a moment." He put his drink down, pushed to his feet, and walked to the men's room.
Usually, he had better control over his reactions.
Back home, flashing fangs was considered bad manners, and on Earth, it was dangerous and required thralling whoever happened to see them. Being in control of such a reaction was second nature to Dagor, but Frankie had an odd effect on him, and he couldn't understand why.
She was pretty, but he had met prettier, and her compact body was curvy in all the right ways. Still, he had come from the planet of the gods, where every goddess was perfect in every way.
He was immune to physical beauty.
Frankie was entertaining in her directness, but again, that was no reason for him to react like a boy who had just discovered the wonders of sex.
After several long breaths and a splash of cold water on his face, Dagor felt composed enough to return to Frankie and discover what made her different from all the other females he had ever encountered.
Something wasn't right about Doug. Why had he bolted like that? Because she'd told him that he was being rude?
Eh, whatever.
There was no reason to agonize over his peculiar reaction.
Frankie had already relegated the guy to the realm of dreams, where everything was possible. She could make him into Prince Charming or a bad boy mafioso with a heart of gold, depending on her mood.
It was a shame that real men couldn't be programmed to act according to her whims.
Closing her eyes, Frankie imagined a Bob who didn't look like the bartender aboard the Silver Swan, but like a real flesh and blood handsome guy, who could be whoever she wanted him to be and get out of her hair when she didn't want him around. No girl would ever want the real thing if there was a robot like that.
Well, except for procreation, but that could be managed with artificial insemination from donors.
Yeah, but children needed fathers, and she doubted a robot could be a good substitute. She couldn't imagine growing up without her dad's bear hugs, silly jokes, and the one-liners from movies that she and her brothers pretended to be sick of but secretly loved.
Frankie had a great family, and she would miss them when she moved into the secret compound of the eccentric owners of Perfect Match.
She would probably meet them on this cruise, and how exciting was that?
She had a strong feeling that her life would finally get on track, and if it meant that she couldn't see her family so often, she could deal with that.
As the saying went, nothing ventured, nothing gained. In other words, good things require giving up other good things or suffering through bad ones.
The universe demanded a balanced ledger.
"I'm back." The lounger next to her groaned as Doug lowered his big body onto it. "Sorry about earlier. I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me."
Oh, so that was why he'd been so grumpy. No one was in a good mood when they needed to pass gas, especially when trying to impress a girl.
Had he been trying to impress her, though?
If he had, he had a strange way of going about it.