Page 8 of The Secret Clause
I frown, squinting until only one Daisy is in focus. “Go where?”
“Have you listened to a single thing I’ve said?”
I shake my head, grimacing as the movement sends me dizzy. “In my defence, I’m pretty sure there’s a few of you, and I’m not entirely sure which one I should be listening to. Blame Bails. She keeps plying me with wine.”
“Hey,” Bailey interjects, scowling at me. “Don’t pin the blame on me. You’re the one guzzling the cheap Pinot like its water. As your best friend, it would be rude if I didn’t top up an empty glass.”
“What’s rude is—”
“Anyway…” Daisy chuckles, steering the conversation back to her. “As I was saying, they’re having an outdoor showing ofIt’s a Wonderful Lifeat the park tomorrow, so we should go.”
“Sure,” I answer eagerly, ignoring the low chuckle from my left. “Love that film so much.”
Truthfully, I hate that film.
I hate it with a passion.
It’s far too sad for a festive favourite.
But a few years ago, I may have told a teeny-tiny lie to Bailey after she made us watch it—in my defence, she was crying her eyes out and asking me how much I enjoyed it, and I didn’t have the heart to lie—and now, too much time has passed for the truth. So, for all intents and purposes, Ilovethat film.
“Okay, perfect. We can grab some blankets and load up on snacks from the supermarket; make an evening of it.”
“Can’t wait.”
I tip the remnants from my glass down my throat, turning away with a grimace only to lock eyes on the smug-looking irritant to my left.
“What a waste of my bloody life that was.Isn’t that what you said about that film, Ry?” Chase asks, his voice low, meant only for me.
His eyes shine with unspent humour, and he opens his mouth to say something more, but I cut him off. “I told you that in confidence,” I hiss, narrowing my eyes. “So hush it.”
“I don’t understand why you don’t just admit it. Every year, you get dragged into watching it, and every year, I’m the one you rant to afterwards.”
“Well, I’m sorry my moaning is inconvenient to you.”
“Nothing you do is an inconvenience,” he says, his expression suddenly serious. My heart races as he leans in, his hand brushing a stray hair from my cheek. I sway on my chair, leaning out of his reach before I can do something like let my drunk brain convince me to try and climb him like a tree.Stupid wine trying to ruin my friendship.“But you hate that film.”
“I do. Ireallydo.” I chuckle. “But it makes Bails happy, so I’m not gonna burst that bubble for her.”
“And when are you going to start makingyouhappy?” he asks, searching my gaze knowingly.
I fold my arms over my chest and glance at my friend as she smiles, laughing at something Kai whispers in her ear. “She’s done so much for me. The least I can do for her is this. It’s not a big deal.”
“Sure, Ry. Forget about yourself. Only think of others, as always.”
Chase pushes away from the table, grabs his plate, and stalks towards the sink. There’s a solemn look on his face as he leaves the room. My gaze tracks his every step, and when he rounds the corner without a second glance, I’m left with an ache in my chest.
That’s just because of all the wine I’ve drunk this evening … right?
IfIdidn’tknowbetter, I’d worry Mariah Carey was being murdered in the kitchen.
I follow the sound, biting back a laugh when I reach the open doorway and lean against the frame. Ryan is bent over the counter, singing along to the radio as she fiddles with a mixing bowl.
Pushing my hands into the pocket of my jeans, I run my eyes over her, grinning widely when I see the much too large black and white snowflake jumper she’s wearing.