Page 4 of The Secret Clause
Aroundofcheerserupts through the studio, dulling the familiar buzzing as our apprentice, Holly, finishes up with her first client. Her excitement is palpable, passing through the air until even the most stoic amongst our crowd share in her joy.
I remember that same thrill of completing my first ink. Hours of doodling idly, waiting for the moment your mentor says you’re ready, then months of holding a gun steady in your hand and dragging it over textured fruit skins before finally being allowed to get a friend or family member in that chair, willing to be your guinea pig.
There’s nothing quite like it…
Well, that’s a fucking lie.
One thing topped that feeling, but it’s not something I’m going to let myself dwell on while I’m stuck at work, unable to do fuck-all about it if my brain decides to revisit that particular memory.
The client in my chair grunts as I drag my gun over his elbow pit, covering the skin in black ink. Blackout tattoos, while sick to look at, aren’t light work on the skin, and despite taking it like a pro for the last four hours, the poor sod looks as if he’ll pass out if I don’t call it a day soon.
He sags in relief as I roll my chair back and place my gun on the table next to an array of black ink. After snapping my gloves off, I toss them in the bin at my feet and stretch the kinks out of my back as I stand.
“Looking sick, dude,” I say, eyeing my work. Kyle has been coming to me for as long as I’ve been tattooing, following me from the little studio I started apprenticing at twelve years ago to the studio I now own with my best mate, Kai. Kyle’s body is littered with my art, and despite the forever-changing styles, he’s stuck it out with me. “You want to book in for January so we can get this finished up?”
“Yeah, sounds good. You guys shutting up for Christmas?”
“Yeah.” I move over to the counter opposite the door and pull up the calendar to search for some free spots in the new year. I’m fully booked up for new clients, but I always keep some space clear for the regulars, as without them, I wouldn’t be here. “Yep. Closing up shop today, then we won’t be open again until the second.”
“What are your plans?”
“Visiting with the fam, and since Kai’s stuck on his own this year, I’m dragging him along so he can’t cause trouble without me.”
“I fucking heard that,” Kai shouts from his station.
I chuckle. “You were meant to.” I slide Kyle an appointment card and take his cash to stuff in the drawer. “See you on the fifth?”
“Yup, see you then.” He calls his goodbyes to the others, but flicks his gaze to mine again. “Tell me all about your sister’s fit best friend when you get back, yeah?”
“The fuck—” The door chimes as he peels it open, his booming laughter swallowed up by the busy sounds coming from the high street. I steel my shoulders, narrowing my eyes as I turn to find Kai. “Really?” He shrugs, whistling under his breath. “You told him about Ry?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about—”
“You’re a cunt.”
“But you love me.” He laughs and turns back to his client.
“You’d be so fucking lucky.”
“You’re right,” he says flippantly, then switches his gun off and stands. He snaps his gloves off and rakes a hand through his black hair. “Your love is reserved for the beautiful Ryan Parker—” Holly whacks his head with the back of her hand, and he winces. With one hand on her hip, she stares him down as if she were twice his senior, not ten years younger. “Shit. The fuck was that for, Hol?”
“Leave him alone,” she demands, turning to me. Her lips quirk into a mischievous grin, and she raises a brow. “He’s not ready to admit his undying love yet, and considering Ryan has kept him safely in the friend zone for the last two years, I think it’s safe to say he blew his shot with that one.”
“He blew something, alright.” Kai booms with laughter, and my hands tighten at my sides.
“You’re both fired.”
“You can’t fire me; I own half the business,” Kai quips, far too fucking happy with himself despite the fact I’m about to murder his ass.
“And Uncle Eli would disown you if you fired me, so I think you’re up shit creek without a paddle,Uncle Chase,"she teases, knowing the moniker isn't something she has to use considering she's only Eli's niece by marriage.
“I knew trusting Sarah when it came to you was a mistake.”
“I make your days brighter. You’d be bereft without me.”