Page 39 of The Secret Clause
“Facts,” Bailey says, clinking her glass to the rim of the bottle in my hand. “So Ryan’s mum is a twat, she’s shagging our brother, and they’re going to get married and have babies. Have we missed anything important?”
“Yeah, the part where marriage and babies were decided,” I deadpan.
“That was decided the minute my husband declared he wanted more grandbabies,” Susan says. “He’s very persuasive when he wants to be, and if I have to guess, it’s not going to take a lot of convincing to get Chase on board.”
My fingers dance over Grace’s hair, massaging gently at the strands as she sleeps against my legs. Bailey hands me another cocktail, one of her own concoctions. and I wince as the bitter taste of liquor hits my tonsils.
The cottage is quiet, save for the soft snores coming from Daisy and Grace and the low hum of adverts playing on the television. Eli and Sarah are still out for dinner, something they do every Christmas Eve, and Chase, Martin and Susan are tucked away in their rooms upstairs.
“Can you believe Christmas is almost over?” Bailey asks, and I snort.
“It’s only Christmas Eve, we still have tomorrow, Bails.”
“I know.” She exhales, her eyes glowing wistfully. “But it just feels like everything is about to change, you know? With you and Chase doing whatever you’re doing, and then Mr Dorsett selling the cottage.”
“Nothing is going to change betweenus,you know that, right?”
“No, I know,” she says, smiling. “But it just feels like the end of an era, I guess.”
“Yeah, I guess.” I glance around the lounge, sighing at the memories of this place. “I’m gonna miss this place.”
“Me too.”
“Don’t you dare cry, Bailey Brooks,” I demand, averting my eyes from my best friend’s glistening ones. “I’ve had too much wine to be able to stop myself if you start.”
“I’m not.” She sniffles, and I know it’s a lost cause.
I throw my arms around her, squeezing gently. “I love you, Bails.”
“I love you, too,” she whispers before inhaling a shaky breath.
The door to the lounge creaks opens, and I pull away, holding my breath for a beat to keep the well of emotions stirring inside me from exploding.
“What are you two doing in here?” Sarah asks, tugging her husband into the room behind her.
“Nothing, we were just having a moment,” Bailey says, pushing off the couch before turning to her big brother and his wife. “Did you have a good night?”
“Oh, it was lovely,” Sarah answers, snuggling into Eli’s chest. “But now, we have to do the fun stuff like get that little missus into bed so Santa can smuggle his goodies inside.”
“Do you need any help?” I ask, lifting Grace into my chest so I can stand and carry her over to her dad. He takes her, kissing her head as he tucks her against him.
“Nah, we got it. Plus, I know you two have a Christmas tradition to uphold anyway.” He winks.
Bailey laughs, already moving into the kitchen. “That we do, big brother. Come on, Ry. It’s Christmas Eve, after all, and all this wine won’t drink itself.”
“I guess that’s my cue,” I say, patting Eli on the shoulder as I pass.
“Hey, Ry.”
I press my hand to the doorframe, turning to the wide grin on his face. “Yeah?”
“Thank you.”
“For what?” I ask.
“For being you,” he says, his smile never faltering. “There isn’t anyone else that’s better for my brother.”
I hum as my heart races in my chest, beating erratically. “Thanks, Eli.”