Page 28 of The Secret Clause
“You ruined my fun morning plans, so it only seems fair.”
“Ha ha,” she says, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure you had a great time in the shower.”
“It could have been better…” She grumbles at my words, turning on her heel and starting towards the door, but I grab her wrist, tugging her into my chest as she stumbles over her feet. “Hi, Ry.”
“Hi,” she breathes, folding her arms around my waist for a second.
“What do you need me to do?” I ask, running my fingers up and down her spine. She shivers under my touch, and I smile as I press a kiss to her forehead.
She sighs happily, breathing me in before she tips her head back. “My car is still in the garage, and I totally blanked when they took it the other day and forgot I’d left a present for Bails in the glove box. Could you go get it, please?”
“Why did you look so worried about asking me that?”
She shrugs, frowning. “It’s an hour and a half round trip. That feels like a pretty big ask.”
“Nothing is too big an ask, Ry. Not when it’s you asking,” I say, cupping her jaw and guiding her head until our eyes collide. “I know I joked about killing someone, but if you need me to, hand me the shovel, baby. I’ll do the dirty work for you.”
“Such a sweet-talker.” She smiles and presses her lips to the corner of my mouth.
I inch closer, my fingers curling around her neck as my lips hover over hers, but Ryan reels back in an instant, stepping away from me and turning to face the windows as Daisy peeks her head around the open doorway.
“Sheesh, Ry.” Daisy’s eyes widen as she strolls around the space, her mouth popping open in bewilderment. “Can you do all my birthdays in future too, please? I might have to steal you away and claim the best-friend title instead of Bails.”
Ryan laughs, a proud glint in her eyes as she looks over her work. “I did good, huh?”
“Better than good. Bailey is going to die when she sees this. Where is she, anyway? I haven’t seen her this morning.”
“Eli, Sarah, and Gracey took her to that little café she loves with a promise to keep her busy until I send the text to say we’re ready here.”
“You’re a good friend, Ry.”
“I certainly try,” Ryan croaks, her eyes darting to mine before she quickly drops them to the floor. Her cheeks redden, guilt etching over her features as she busies herself with rearranging the already perfectly laid table. “Chase, can you pick up that present for me, please? It’s just a small black envelope in the glove box.”
“Got it.” I nod, taking my cue. I kiss Daisy’s cheek and say my goodbyes as she peppers Ryan with questions about the thirty presents.
Laughter wraps around me as I push through the front door and shuck off my jacket.
Following the sounds, I find my family tucked away in the dining room. The radio plays quietly in the background as Bailey tears through wrapping paper, her eyes bright with love and appreciation.
“Did you get it?”
I turn to the hissed voice, my lip curling at the side. “Oh, hello, Ryan. I’m good. The drive was fine, thanks so much for asking. How are you?”
Ryan keeps her expression blank, but her eyes spark with fire as they lock on mine. “Did. You. Get. It?” she repeats, propping a hand on her hip.
I hum, dragging my gaze over her slowly. Her boots tap against the floor, a frantic rhythm as she tries to keep the scowl off her face. Tapping my hand against hers, I meet her eyes again, pursing my lips. “What was I supposed to get again?”
“I swear to God, Chase—” She huffs, her eyes narrowing to near slits, and I can barely keep my laughter down. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Am I?” I quip. She sags in relief, closing her eyes for a second. I avert my gaze, biting back my smile as I glance around the room until Ryan socks me on the shoulder, dragging my attention back to hers. “That’s not very nice, baby,” I say, keeping my voice a low rumble just for her ears as I curl my fingers around her fist and tug her to my side.
“Chase…” She shivers as I trace her black cotton T-shirt, my fingertips dancing a slow rhythm up and down her spine. I see Daisy in my periphery, watching with a curious glance, but I can’t bring myself to relinquish my hold.
I’m playing with fire; I know that. But there’s something so delicious about pushing Ryan’s boundaries—the way her eyes flicker with hunger and her voice grows husky as she tries to keep herself composed.
“Yes, Ryan?” I dip down until my mouth grazes the tip of her ear.
Her breath shudders, and her eyes flutter, and I’m pretty sure if I push one more inch, she’ll explode. While that’s something I’m excited to see—the moment Ryan finally accepts this between us and stops hiding behind my family as an excuse—I’m a selfish bastard and want to keep her all to myself a little longer.