Page 16 of The Secret Clause
“Only if you ask nicely.”
The cottage is decked out to the max by the time we get back.
Fairy lights adorn the ceilings, casting a warm glow over the otherwise dim rooms, and there are more banners and bunting lining the walls than I think I’ve ever seen.
I meander into the kitchen, place the alcohol-filled bags on the island, and shrug off my jacket before turning to find Ryan leaning over the counter. Her hair is tossed in a messy bun on top of her head, and she’s wearing an oversized T-shirt with leggings and only a pair of fluffy Santa socks on her feet.
She’s lost in her own world, her nose wrinkled adorably and a pitiful frown marring her face. Mumbled expletives fall from her lips, and she smacks her hand against the counter and sighs heavily.
Before she spots me, I move around the island, coming up to her back. “What did that counter ever do to you?”
She startles, stumbling backwards. My chest collides with her back, and her heat seeps through my cotton shirt. “Shitting hell,” she hisses, trying to turn. I step back, giving her the space she needs, but as soon as she’s looking up at me, I crowd into her, pressing her back against the counter as I lean down, her breath coasting over my neck as she whispers, “Hi.”
“Hi.” I smile and tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Her cheeks flush, a beautiful rose tainting her skin as she smiles softly. “What’s got you in a tizzy?”
She groans, letting her head fall to my chest. “I was left in charge of cake duty and thought it would be a brilliant idea to make one myself. But it turns out my baking skills begin and end with gingerbread men.”
“What recipe did you use?” I glance at the counter, biting back my snort at the sight of the severely charred Victoria sponges in front of me.
“I googled and found something on a forum. They saidit would be the best thing you’ve ever put in your mouth, but I got distracted, and thenthathappened. And the party starts in…” She grabs my wrist, flipping it upwards to glance at my watch. “Fuck, is that the time? I have two hours, no cake, and I’ve not even showered yet.”
“I reckon that’s salvageable.”
“Really?” She scoffs.
“Yes. Really.” I reach around her, snap a piece from the smaller cake, and shove it in my mouth. She looks at me, her eyes wide with hope as I chew, and I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s quite possibly theworstthing I’ve ever put in my mouth. I grin, humming to try and mask the sound of me choking as I swallow it down. “That tastes great.”
“Really?” she asks, incredulous.
“Yep, perfect. The burnt edges add extra flavour.” Her brow furrows, and she tries to spin around, her hand reaching to try for herself. I grab her hips, pulling her with me until I reach the kitchen door, then spin her, nudging her out of the room. “Go shower and get ready. I’ll finish up here and decorate the cake for you.”
“You sure? I don’t mind.”
“I’m sure.” I pat her ass, sending her on her way, and she turns to beam at me for a moment before starting up the stairs to her room.
I turn back to survey the mess, groaning as I pull out my phone and call for backup.
“The fuck you calling me for? We’re in the same cottage.”
“You need to come to the kitchen. Be fucking discreet about it. We have an emergency.”
“What kind of emergency?” Eli asks.
“The kind where Ry attempted to bake something and got distracted.”
“Well, shit.” He barks out a laugh before ending the call, but it’s only seconds until I hear him jogging down the stairs. “What do you need?”
I turn to him, gesturing at the mess. “We need to make sure Bailey has her cake and Ryan never finds out we tossed hers out.”
“So we’re baking?” he says with a sigh, shaking his head.
“We’re baking,” I tell him, grabbing what we need and laying it all out on the counter as he tosses Ryan’s pitiful attempt into an old box and stuffs it to the bottom of the bin. “Grab an apron, big brother.”
“If it were anyone else, I’d leave you to deal with this on your own, you know.”
“Sure you would.” I chuckle and make a start.
Within an hour, we have two cakes cooling in the fridge, and buttercream and fondant laid on the side, ready for us.