Page 6 of Tempting Mr. Scrooge
I’m checking over my shoulder constantly as we walk toward the restaurant, which is nestled at the end of a long hallway in the resort. Before we reach the entrance, I hear a voice I know all too well.
The same voice that interviewed me, and offered me a job.
The same voice that said I knew I would steal you away when I agreed to the terms and accepted the job I have yet to tell my boss about.
“Nicholas,” Garrett says, walking toward us with a cocky stride.
“Pulse,” Nicholas says back with a clipped nod.
Garrett lifts his chin at me, and I hold my breath, hoping he doesn’t mention my coming to work for him after the new year. Thankfully, he doesn’t. He turns his attention back to Nicholas and says, “You came all this way to watch me accept my award. How sweet.” Garrett places a hand over his heart.
My gaze ping-pongs between the two men. Garrett’s a few years older than Nicholas, but not nearly as handsome. Sure, Garrett is ok, but his clean-shaven face does not compare to Nicholas’ scruffy one. Garrett’s blue eyes pale in comparison to Nicholas’ dark eyes that seem to know no depth.
Nicholas laughs at Garrett’s words, but there’s no humor behind it. “I’m winning that award.” He says it so matter-of-fact. Like the judging has already come through and they have already read his name out at the podium.
The way these two stare at each other is like two dogs in a kennel ready to attack.
Garrett glances at me. “Can you believe this guy? So cocky.”
I want to agree, because, well, he is, but it rubs me the wrong way when Garrett says it. It’s a situation where I may complain in my head about Nicholas, but it doesn’t seem right for Garrett to do it. I keep my mouth shut, though, not wanting to get in the middle of this dog fight for fear of getting bit.
“You’re the cocky one,” Nicolas says. “That report your company put out was bogus.”
I don’t know which report he’s speaking of, but if I had to guess it’s probably one of Pulse’s sales. Which have almost surpassed Nicholas’.
Garrett rears back, like Nicholas just hit him. But I can’t help but notice, he doesn’t deny the allegations. “I have a call to make.” He excuses himself and I suck in a giant lungful of air. Thankful that Garrett said nothing about me coming to work for him soon.
“I hate that guy,” Nicholas says, and then he gazes down at me. His stare is heavy, and I quickly nod.
“Me too,” I lie and Nicholas blows out a breath like my answer disappointed him.
Does he know?
No, he can’t.
If he did, he would have fired me the moment he found out.
I’m not going to let it get me down. I follow Nicholas into the restaurant.
“We have a reservation for two,” Nicholas says to the girl behind the counter. His phone rings and he steps away to answer it.
“Mr. Luge?” Only she pronounces it Loo-gee.
“It’s Luge,” I say. “Rhymes with Scrooge.”
The brunette laughs at my words. “Right. Luge,” she says.
“He really is, ya know?”
“Is what?”
I lean closer to her. “A scrooge.”
The girl’s eyes widen, and honestly, I’m not even sure why I’m relaying this fact to her.
She surprises me by saying, “Maybe he just needs to get laid.”
Now it’s my turn for wide eyes. “Maybe.” I think about Nicholas’ sour moods, and if this could be his problem.
When I first started working for him years ago, he wasn’t as grouchy as he has been lately. Maybe he does need to get a little action in the bedroom.
I think about him with a woman. A lucky, lucky woman. What it would be like to be touched by him.
We glance over at his tall frame and both of us are quiet, most likely envisioning the same thing.
Nicholas disconnects his call and rejoins us. “Table ready?”
“Yes, right. Your table.” The brunette shakes her head, and I give her a sly grin. She retrieves two menus and leads us to a table in the back. “Here you are.” She sets both menus on the table. “Your server will be right with you.” She gives me a wink as she walks away.
She was definitely thinking about it, and I bet she’s thinking I should be that lucky girl that he should do it with. And if it means getting rid of his grumpy attitude for good, I’d take one for the team and do it. I’d tell him to put that smart mouth to good use eating my—
“Are you ready to order?” Our server steps up to the table and pours water into the glasses on the table. I grab mine and take a big swig to douse the heat flaring through my body. I’ve got to stop these ridiculous thoughts about banging my boss.