Page 19 of Snowbound With The Irresistible Sicilian (Hot Winter Escapes 6)
The flex of muscle seized her attention, the silky wisps of hair just perfect enough to make her thighs clench.
God, what was wrong with her?
Thankfully, she was saved from dwelling on the disturbing question when he folded himself into the seat and crossed one leg over the other.
Long fingers tapped his knee for several seconds. ‘My client is the head of an international conglomerate.’ He named the company and her eyes goggled. He saw her reaction, and one corner of his mouth twitched. ‘I see you’ve heard of them.’
She might spend a significant portion of her time in a lab, on a research vessel or on some wide, forbidden expanse with only a handful of people, but even she’d heard of the entertainment giant. ‘Anyone with a passable internet connection probably has.’
He gave a brisk nod. ‘Three weeks ago he discovered that his younger brother had gambled away almost forty per cent of the revenue of the subsidiary he’s in charge of and leveraged another fifteen per cent to several...unsavoury individuals.’ He named the subsidiary that streamed music and videos via an app she had on her phone.
Giada’s mouth gaped. His sardonic delivery made her wonder if she’d misheard. His laser eyes said otherwise. ‘You’re not joking, are you?’
‘I rarely joke about my business, Miss Parker.’
She exhaled in stunned alarm. ‘But that’s...’
‘Hundreds of millions and counting. And with the brother now in rehab for his gambling, the situation is enough to plunge them into serious trouble and invite an investigation from the financial authorities if it’s discovered. Simply put, should this come out, it’ll end the company.’
She shook her head, unable to fathom the enormity of what he was saying. ‘How did no one notice this was happening?’
Something bitterly dangerous flickered in his eyes. ‘You’d be surprised how eager family are to turn a blind eye to flaws. How far they’re willing to go to fool you because they know you care for them,’ he said with a grating inflexion that made her tense.
Her breath locked in her lungs. Surely...he wasn’t talking about her? Did he know?
Her gaze dropped to the feather boa, her fingers fussing unnecessarily with it as her brain spun. But then, her gaze slid to the discarded phone on his desk, and the snippets of frustrated conversation she’d overheard.
‘Are you talking about your brother?’
He tensed, the muscle beneath his shirt rippling as he dropped his leg to the floor and leaned forward to plant his elbows on his knees. Just like in the bar, Giada was immediately aware of his power and presence. Of being the sole focus of his ferocious attention.
As if she’d ever been in danger of forgetting him, she silently scoffed.
‘This isn’t about me, Miss Parker.’
Are you sure?
The words hovered on her lips and she was glad she hadn’t uttered them. This man had the ability to exercise supreme control, but it didn’t alter the fact that, just beneath the surface, Alessio Montaldi’s passions and emotions strained on a very tight leash.
For an insane second, Giada wondered what it would look likeunleashed. Whether the very earth beneath her feet would quake with the eruption of his passions.
Thank goodness you’ll never find out...
She ignored the bubble of hollowness in her belly at that thought as he continued.
‘My personal life isn’t up for dissection or discussion.Caspisci?’
His voice was a lethal blade whispering over her, dragging every nerve ending to life. It took every ounce of composure to remember she was supposed to be Gigi. Supposed to be unfazed by men like him.
‘Sure,’ she dismissed with an airy wave. ‘I just wanted a bit more insight into the man I hope to work for.’
Derision rippled across his face. ‘Counting your chickens already?’
She shrugged. ‘Pessimism is a waste of good energy.’
‘As is overconfidence, I imagine.’
‘True. That’s why I prefer a comfortable midpoint between the two. So, you were saying?’