Page 53 of Pregnant and Stolen by the Tycoon
And a clutch of irrational jealousy.
Would Lita have made this for any woman Seve had intended to marry or...?
She looked up to find the old woman eyeing her with a knowing look. ‘You’re his choice, child. No one else.’
The words, murmured low and deep in Cardosian, pierced through her jealousy to soothe something inside her.
‘Because of his child,’ she said, attempting to stave off the swell of emotion rushing at her.
She shrugged. ‘I can’t change your mind if you want to believe that. You’re one with tall walls no one else can break but you. But I also know my grandson. As much as it pains me, he too has walls no convention will break. But he’s breaking down a part of it. For you. I don’t take that lightly.’
Neither should you.
Genie heard the unspoken words but could only swallow. Because what could she do? She couldn’t offend the old woman, who seemed steeped in her belief, by telling her that she was wrong about her grandson. That, yes, while convention didn’t matter to Seve, this one where his child was concerned mattered to him. And that it had nothing to do with her.
You’re the vessel keeping him warm and healthy. For now, you’re important too.
The reminder echoed with bracing force. One that made her gasp despite her every effort to mask it. And when the old woman reached across to clasp Genie’s hand, she attributed the resurgence of tears to more hormones.
‘Enough talk of walls and conventions. Let’s talk instead of colour schemes and guest lists,sí?’
Throat still clogged, Genie nodded. And was introduced to the sheer genius Seve’s grandmother could conjure up with a needle and thread.
More tears threatened when Genie saw that the dress had started its life with a smaller waistline and had been let out several times to accommodate her growing pregnancy. With clever stitching, she saw that there was even more room should she decide to wait.
But she wouldn’t be waiting. For good or ill, she’d made up her mind.
Despite his rough childhood and rigid stance not to be a father, Seve had committed himself to this. Collaborating with him in bringing up their child was the most logical course of action.
For now.
And if that commitment altered in future? If he regretted it?
She ignored the inner voice, and when she looked down to find her fingers lovingly caressing the pearl-studded tulle skirt, she ignored the deep emotion moving through her too.
What was harder to ignore was the indulging and knowing look in Lita’s eyes. ‘You like it?’ she asked, nodding to the dress.
Swallowing, Genie nodded. ‘I love it.’ At the woman’s continued stare, she added, ‘And yes, I will wear it for the wedding.’
The housekeeper, maids and Lita broke into excited chatter. A mobile phone was produced and suddenly they were neck-deep in caterers, designers and assistants making lists.
It carried on for days, and before her very eyes, Genie watched the estate transformed into a stunning wedding showpiece.
The path to the jetty that would be welcoming guests was lined with large bunches of assorted flowers that resembled wedding bouquets. Mini chandeliers were hung from strategic branches in the garden and gazebos.
Long benches stood waiting, ready to be decorated. A team of gardeners clipped, pruned and spruced up the garden until it was just that fraction of an inch past perfection. Where the whole thing seemed like an impossibly beautiful vision.
And that was before Seve appeared at her bedroom door two nights before the wedding and imperiously asked to be invited in.
She’d only seen him from a distance during the day, striding around the grounds with the butler and estate foreman, issuing instructions that were immediately executed.
Genie wasn’t sure why it surprised her that a powerful man whose time was literally worth billions was getting involved in his own wedding preparations.
Maybe because she’d thought such things were beneath him? That he’d leave everything to a delighted Lita to take care of? What did it mean that he was taking personal interest?
‘The socially acceptable thing is to invite me in,querida,’ he drawled lazily after several beats, making her bracingly aware that she’d been standing there blocking the door with her body and staring at him with wide-eyed interest.
After a moment’s hesitation, she stepped back and nudged the door wider in silent invitation.