Page 26 of Pregnant and Stolen by the Tycoon
She wanted to deny the voice echoing in her head.
But she’d strung this out long enough. Her life was going to change whether she liked it or not. Hell, she’d already adopted her eating, sleeping and exercising habits to accommodate the possible pregnancy. If she was preparing her body for the biggest event of her life, then she couldn’t bury her head in the sand any longer.
Her heart hammered with mild panic as he held out the packages to her.
In less than five minutes she would know whether she was going to be a mother.
They both would.
Her hand shook as she took them from him. She barely saw him motion towards the door that led to the plane’s bathroom. But she was searingly aware of him following a few steps behind her until he stopped himself, his hands forcibly shoved into the pockets of his trousers.
Genie didn’t need to look over her shoulder to know that his gaze was boring into her, its intensity very much heightened.
Contrary to what she’d thought, he was heavily invested, she realised. Or else he wouldn’t have taken such drastic actions.
Shutting the door behind her, she shook her head. It didn’t matter. Her plans about her child had never included its father. She was sure she could negotiate Seve out of this too, if it came to it.
Is that wise?
She bunched a fist over the sink, avoiding her own gaze as she shook her head once again. It didn’t matter. Single parenthood had been the plan all along. Once she got over this alarm, the merits would be just the same.
Running her gaze over the instructions twice, she tore the box open and took the test. After washing her hands, she sat on the lid of the toilet, every cell in her body shaking as the endless seconds ticked by.
Five minutes later, she stared at the thick cross that positively confirmed what she already knew deep in her heart.
Uneven waves of panic, awe and disbelief washed over her until she wasn’t sure which emotions she was drowning under. Raising her eyes to the mirror, she caught sight of her glazed eyes, her pale face, the breaths puffing out of her stunned mouth.
She was pregnant.
The naked blade of his voice, edged with simmering emotions she couldn’t name, cut through the euphoric fog of her brain.
She was pregnant.
She fumbled for the door. She expected him to rush in, but he remained aloof a few steps away. An omen, perhaps?
Maybe not, if the fever blazing in his eyes was any indication. He didn’t even need to voice the question. It was a towering neon sign growing larger by the second.
‘Yes. I’m pregnant.’ The words fell like tiny, explosive miracles from her lips.
A loud rush followed, drowning out all sound. The plane pitched. Or maybe it was her.
Genie wasn’t entirely sure as she took a step and fell forward into pitch darkness.
When she blinked awake, she was in the king-size bed, fat pillows propped behind her, and thick luxurious covers thrown over her body.
Seve sat on the edge, tension vibrating from his body as he stared down at the test confirming the altered course of her life.
No. She had enough to contend with. She wasn’t going to allow her brain to accommodate what this meant for Seve too.
She raised a hand to her temple, struggling to sit up. ‘Wh-what happened?’
Sizzling eyes shifted from the stick to her face, conducting a quick scrutiny. ‘You announced you were pregnant, then passed out,’ he gritted out.