Page 22 of Pregnant and Stolen by the Tycoon
She didn’t breathe until she was safely ensconced in the lift. Even then she remained wary, her gaze darting around her when she reached the lobby. All the way to her car, she expected large hands to grab her, shackle her to his hard, warm body.
But she wasn’t stopped.
Forty minutes later, when a smiling stewardess approached her in the first-class lounge to inform her that her plane was boarding, she breathed a sigh of relief.
And mild disappointment.
For all his bluster and stern pronouncements, Seve Valente had let her slip free despite suspecting she might be carrying his child.
For weeks, he’d lived with the possibility that she might be pregnant and done nothing about it. He might have felt obliged to bring it up but he’d effortlessly let himself off the hook at her smallest resistance.
In the end, his new acquisition was all he’d been interested in.
Just as the financial rewards of her genius had been all her parents craved.
Logic stated that she should be relieved with this outcome.
Exceptlogicalwas far from what she felt as she followed the attendant down a surprisingly deserted ramp.
With illogical and emotional thoughts crowding her mind, she barely noticed that the plane was far smaller than the one she’d expected.
That the interior was plush to the point of luxury. That it, like the ramp, was devoid of passengers. But most importantly, that the attendant was shutting the door and the engine was already powering up.
By the time logic rushed in and lit up neon signs in her brain, the attendant was disappearing into a galley.
A door was opening at the back of the plane.
The figure walking towards her none other than Seve Valente, fire and brimstone and ruthless determination stamped into every inch of his body.
Her gaze whipped around her before returning to his. ‘Wh-what are you...? What in heaven’s name is going on?’
He stopped two feet from her. Slate-grey eyes consumed her from head to toe, as if he hadn’t seen her less than an hour ago. After an eternity, he reached out and relieved her of her bag, tossing it aside. Then he wrapped his hands around her arms and urged her shock-riddled body into the nearest club seat.
With quick, efficient motion, he secured the seat belt.
Only then did he lean close and murmur in her ear, ‘I told you I always get what I want. You should’ve believed me.’
The single word injected her with adrenaline that punched the shock right out of her. Unfortunately, it was too late. The plane, which she now registered was a very sleek, private jet, was already in motion.
‘Sí, pequeña.We’ve been given permission to take off. There is no going back.’
‘Stop calling me that. I’m not your sweetheart.’
His jaw clenched, his eyes gleaming in a way that said her self-preservation instincts needed to be at peak performance. She’d illogically assumed her sharp exit had concluded their business and lowered her guard.
The reminder of her flawed thinking made her hand scramble for her seat belt, belatedly spurred into action.
With lightning-quick reflexes, he surged forward and placed his hands over hers. ‘Stop. We’re about to take off. You will remain seated.’ His tone was unbending steel.
‘Subterfuge, then throwing commands at me. I guess now you have my algorithm there’s no need to hide your true colours, is there?’
One eyebrow cocked. ‘How have I deceived you?’
She waved a wild hand at the window and the view trundling past at speed. ‘Are you serious? You’re in the middle of kidnapping me! Stop the plane right now!’
His smile was lethal. And pulse-shredding. ‘I will not. I gave you ample warning,’ he murmured almost softly, as if he pitied her for not heeding him.