Page 57 of The Greek's Forgotten Marriage
Zeph acknowledged that as he buttoned his black silk shirt the next evening in preparation for the party.
Across the room in the adjoining dressing room, Imogen was getting dressed. His fingers slowed and he listened to the sounds of her getting ready. Zeph knew deep in his bones he’d never done anything of the sort before. And yet, he stilled, recognising the steadfast desire that this was what he wanted. For as long as he could keep it.
No force. No cajoling. No negotiation.
There was no such thing as a free lunch, as the saying went. But surely there was such a thing as simply...exposing one’s wants and desires with the expectation that they would be reciprocated?
Bold. Daring. A shot entirely plausible for the man the world believed him to be to aim for.
But what about the man he was inside? Did he dare expose himself thus? Take a risk with no surety of a reward?
The affirmation was deep. Visceral.
And it immobilised him for endless moments until the sound of Imogen’s footsteps roused him. He turned and then swayed on his feet at the sight of her.
The black, strapless velvet hugged her chest to hip and the scalloped plunging neckline decorated with sparkling crystals emphasised her assets tastefully but with jaw-dropping effect. ‘You look exquisite,matia mou,’ he croaked.
Her lashes swept down and a blush rose in her cheeks. It still gave him a kick how she could hold her own among curmudgeonly men and bully frat boys masquerading as Canadian businessmen and yet blush so innocently at a compliment.
Now he’d made the decision, the need to push it, know where he stood was yet another ache intensified inside, demanding to be soothed.
But the sound of arriving boats and helicopters demanded their attention. And he also needed to get dressed. So he reluctantly slotted it onto the back burner, along with that faint tingle at the back of his mind that prodded him that he was forgetting something. Adding that to the pile of things to be tackled later, he finished buttoning his shirt.
‘I have something for you.’
He went to the far side of the room where the safe was tucked behind a secret panel in the wall.
‘You do? But it’s your birthday. I should be giving you presents...’
As he raised his hand to the combination his gaze fell on his ring, his heart hammering harder. ‘You’ve done enough. But if you want to gift me with something, you will get the opportunity to in due course.’
Her eyes widened. ‘Cryptic much? I don’t think I can stand the suspense.’
‘You’ll have to. Our guests are arriving.’
Without second thought, he keyed in the combination.
Imogen gasped as the lock sprang free. ‘You just...did you know the combination beforehand?’
A little shaken, he shook his head. ‘No, I did not.’
They stared at one another for several more beats, then he opened the safe, extracted the long jewellery box he’d had Spyros courier from Athens before their arrival.
The necklace was a simple platinum chain but the teardrop diamond that hung from it was exceptional. Multifaceted to catch the light from every angle, it sparkled as he held it out to her.
Shock widened her eyes, confirming his suspicion that this was yet another part of their life he’d woefully neglected. ‘ didn’t have to...’
‘And yet I have,’ he said gruffly.
She remained still as he fastened the necklace around her neck. And as he’d expected, it was perfect. But true perfection would come at the end of the night, when he set out his plans.
‘Shall we?’
They went downstairs together, with Imogen glued to his side.
In the sea of faces that greeted them and the ensuing applause at his presence, Zeph searched shamelessly, frantic to find answers. A connection.