Page 95 of Sticks and Stones (Shadow Valley U)
In a way, I feel more nervous for this than I did for my high school prom. Of course, Wren was also there, haunting that moment. I took some girl who followed around the hockey team—I don’t even remember her name, except that one of the guys set me up with her. That was inconsequential.
This feels much more serious.
“I can’t believe you’re taking Wren to meet your parents,” Taylor says from the couch. “It’s ballsy, for sure.”
I flip him off.
Itisballsy, especially since my dad will probably take one look at her and know exactly who her father is. I can’t imagine he’s represented Jessie Davis all this time and not known about his daughter. The daughter who was fostered with my best friend’s family.
It’s all sorts of fucked up.
“What’s she doing up there?” Taylor asks.
“Getting ready.” I shift. “I don’t fucking know.”
“You’re fancy as fuck, dude.”
I glance over my shoulder. Evan and Grant drop their bags in the living room, grinning at me like they’ve never seen me wear a freaking tuxedo.
Okay, yeah, I had to go rent one when I picked up Wren’s dress. I’ve got suit jackets for the away games, but nothing that would qualify as black tie.
The sacrifices we make.
I sigh and shoo them away.
Upstairs, a timer goes off. I hide my smile at Wren’s distant, “Shit!”
I pace the foyer until she appears at the top of the stairs. The skirt of her gown is in her hand, keeping her feet clear to go down the stairs. First her sparkling, strappy, silver heels come into view, then her toned legs. Then the glittering gown that fits her like a glove. She paired it with gold jewelry. Earrings, bracelets, a few slim necklaces that dangle down between her tits.
I fold my hands over my groin and will myself not to get fucking turned on like a teenager at the sight of her.
Her hair is up in some sort of elaborate bun, with pieces pulled out and curled to frame her face. Dark-red lipstick, dark eyeshadow with gold on the lids.
She gets down to me, and she’s a good deal taller than she usually is. Not as tall as me, but still.
“You look perfect.” I kiss her cheek. Her skin is warm under my lips.
“Thank Ally,” she murmurs. “She was a magician.”
I glance up at Ally, who’s coming down the stairs slower with her supplies.
“Thank you, Ally.”
She grins.
I hold out my arm to Wren. “We’ve got a drive ahead of us. Ready?”
My girl nods. “Yep.”
I’m flushed and nervous.Stone’s teasing hand on my leg during the drive didn’t help matters either. His head kept turning every few minutes with a longing stare, and each time I tried to catch him, his jaw would flex.