Page 74 of Sticks and Stones (Shadow Valley U)
“Mmm-hmm.” I skip over to Archer’s room.
I nod to Evan’s door. “Go in there and grab Evan’s away jersey. You’re gonna wear it tonight.”
Ally pauses. “And you’re wearing…not Stone’s? I’m assuming with the way you’re smiling.”
I snap. “Correct. I’m going to teach him a little lesson.”
We meet out in the hall with the jerseys in our hands and laugh like little schoolgirls. I start to strip, but Ally puts her hand on my arm.
“Wait, why is there a camera in the corner?”
I’m standing in nothing but my jeans and bra when the blood drains from my face. “What?” I look in the direction she’s pointing and pull the jersey on before grabbing her by the hand and disappearing into my room.
We both look in the corners and come up empty-handed. I rush for my phone but pause when I see a text on the screen. Ally is looking over my shoulder, and the rumble of her silent laugher vibrates against my back.
That better be my jersey you’re wearing.
“Oh my God!” My jaw flies open.Did he put cameras up?
“See.” Ally is clearly amused. “Obsessed.”
My fingers fly over the screen with anger.
Are you kidding me? You’re spying on me now? That is totally uncalled for and inappropriate!
I rip open the door to our room and let it slam against the wall. My back is to the camera in the corner, and I peek over my shoulder and wink before walking back into my room.
Ally rolls her lips. “This is so entertaining.”
“He is unbelievable. I swear to God.”
Take it off. Now.
You’re not the boss of me.
You’ll regret saying that.
I shove my phone in my back pocket, and Ally follows me around the house as I hunt for the rest of the cameras. I snag us both a beer out of the fridge, and we drink them without saying a word. Part of me wants to take the cameras down and crush them with a baseball bat, but the other part of me feels a little better knowing that if someone else were to break in, we’d have it on camera. I have no idea if the rest of the guys are in on this, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Stone kept it to himself, and that pisses me off. He’s treating me like a child, and I don’t like it.
“Are you going to take the jersey off?” Ally throws our beer bottles into the trash.
I meet her eye and smile. “Absolutelynot.”
I’m prettysure I hate her.
The image of Wren putting onArcher’sjersey, with his last name blazed across her shoulders, is burned in my mind. I mean, it’s like she wants me to be unable to concentrate.
It takes a few hard hits to get my head in the game. But as soon as I’m still, catching my breath on the bench, I find myself scouring the stands for her. Or, alternatively, glaring at Archer.
Poor asshole has no idea why I’m giving him the stink eye.