Page 217 of God of Fury (Legacy of Gods)
With one damning exception.
“Afterward,” Mum continues. “You were more into girls, so I thought maybe you were bi, but I didn’t want to broach the subject until you told me yourself. I’m happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us.”
I smile at her, feeling a bit daft for being so stupidly worried about this. Then I tilt my head in the direction of my father, who’s been awfully quiet.
His face is unreadable as he seems to be fighting his demons.
“Dad? Are you…okay with it?”
“Your sexuality? Naturally. This guy, however, I’m not sure yet. What’s his name? Age? Parents’ names?”
“Uh…so…remember Killian?”
His lips part. “Please don’t tell me you’re with your sister’s boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend?”
“What? No. Of course not, Dad.”
“Ew, Levi.” Mum smacks his hand.
“Fine, okay.” He releases a breath. “It can’t be worse than that.”
“He’s his cousin.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Dad’s face literally pales and I kind of feel bad for him. He’s been dealing with Lan his whole life, then he had Kill, who’s also a diagnosed psychopath, and I don’t think he’s even processed that.
“Please tell me he’s the levelheaded cousin who keeps him in check.”
“To be honest, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Killian is definitely the one who keeps Nikolai in check.”
“Fuck my life.” He exhales. “Astrid, Princess. I think I’m having a heart attack.”
“Dad…are you okay?” I study him closely. “I’m actually not with him right now, so you don’t have to worry.”
“Oh, screwthat.” Mum shakes him again. “Your dad just needs to stop being a baby.”
Coincidentally, Dad’s expression returns to normal. “You’re not together, you said?”
“Levi!” Mum scolds.
“What? I can’t have this bunch of psychos corrupting my children. I’m sure you’ll find someone better, son.”
A sad smile curves my lips. “I don’t think so, Dad.”
“What happened?” Mum asks in a soft tone.
“Something concerning Mia.”
“Lan’s girlfriend?”
“Yeah. She’s also Nikolai’s younger sister and he really, and I meanreally, hates Lan’s guts. Mostly because, well, my dear brother caused him and his friends a lot of trouble.”
Mum sighs with resignation. “Lan, oh, Lan.”
“So did Lan beat him up?” Dad asks with a note of anticipation.
“Levi!” Mum scolds again.
“I approve of Lan protecting his siblings.”