Page 8 of Craving Danger
“I thought it would be easier for you, sir.”
The man only nods before getting back to work.
“I just want to let you know I have an appointment tonight, so I’ll only be able to work until six,” I advise him.
Without looking up, he makes the sound I’m quickly learning to hate.
I suppress the urge to let out a sigh as I turn around and head back to my desk.
Taking a bite of my sandwich, I continue with my duties because I’m adamant to stay one step ahead of Mr. Vitale. Also, I have to leave work at six because I have my first appointment atParadisotonight. I’m both nervous and excited.
I really hope everything goes well tonight. I’d hate to have paid the membership fee only to be disappointed.
Chapter 4
With my first appointment atParadisoscheduled for seven thirty, I take my time showering and getting ready.
The apprehensive part of me thinks I’m insane for joining the club. People go there to have wild sex, and here I am, just wanting to talk to a man.
Maybe I should cancel.
Checking my reflection in the mirror, I take in the black dress I’m wearing and wonder whether it’s too formal. Then again, I don’t think jeans would be appropriate.
“You look fine,” I whisper before turning away from the mirror.
Just as I gather my keys from the side table near the front door, my phone starts to ring. I answer the call and position the device between my shoulder and ear before opening the front door.
“Samantha speaking.”
“Hey, sweetie. It’s Mom.”
“Oh hey,” I say, my tone a little lighter. “How are you?”
“Good. I’m calling to let you know I won the knitting contest. Your mother is a whole two-hundred-and-fifty dollars richer.”
A grin spreads over my face while I lock the door, and as I head out of my apartment building, I chuckle, “Wow, I’m so proud of you. What did you knit?”
“Nothing. We just knitted to see who’s the fastest.” From the chopping sounds, I assume Mom’s busy preparing dinner. “How are things in New York?”
“I can’t complain. Work has been super busy since I got the promotion.”
My eyes keep darting around me as I walk to the nearest subway station. Unless it’s for work, I seldom leave the safety of my apartment.
It’s uncanny how one person’s actions can change your entire perspective about people. I never had trust issues until I met Todd. Now I live in constant fear that everyone is out to hurt me.
“Just don’t overdo it,” Mom says. I hear sizzling in the background before she asks, “Have you met anyone new?”
Wanting to set her mind at ease, I lie, “Yes. I’m actually on my way to a date.”
“Oh, really? I’m so glad to hear that. What’s he like?”
“I don’t know him so well yet.” Needing to get off the topic of my love life, I say, “I’m also going to the movies on Saturday with Jenny.”