Page 62 of Craving Danger
Lifting my hand, I grip his shoulder. As I stare at him, I can see he’s struggling to keep his grief at bay.
I tug him closer and give him a brotherly hug. “We’ll kill them all.”
He nods as he pulls back and sucks in a deep breath. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at the floor as he murmurs, “It was a quick death. At least he didn’t suffer.”
Marcello enters the living room and holds the burner phone out to me. “You got a text from Samantha.”
During the day, I leave the device with him so Samantha doesn’t accidentally see it. I take it from him and read the message.
Samantha: I need to see you.
Samantha: Please.
I quickly type out a reply.
MMM: I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Open the window.
“I’m heading over to Samantha’s place,” I inform Milo and Marcello. “Send two men to check what happens at the building we were attacked at. I want to know who comes and goes when those fuckers collect their dead.”
“I’ll get Santo to assign a couple of guys.”
“Make sure they're not seen. I don’t want to lose anyone else today.”
Marcello nods, then says, “I’m coming with you. You need the extra protection. Santo can take over from me and run things here.”
“That sounds good.” When I walk to the archway that leads to the foyer, Milo mentions, “You need to change your clothes.”
Fuck. I need to get my shit together before I give myself away tonight.
I don’t think Samantha is ready to find out I’m her mystery man.
I head to my bedroom and quickly strip out of the suit. I put on myParadisouniform and grab the balaclava before leaving the house with Milo and Marcello.
During the ride to her apartment, I make a call to Renzo.
When he answers I ask, “What did you do with Lorenzo?”
“His body is at the morgue.”
“Thank you.”
“Anytime, brother.” His attention is pulled away by someone else, then he says, “Damiano wants to know when you’re coming over. We need to have a meeting.”
“I just want to make sure Samantha is okay.”
“I understand. It must’ve been one hell of a shock for her.”
“Yeah,” I murmur. “Thanks for the help today, Renzo.”
“You’d do the same for me.”
I end the call and suck in a deep breath of air.
As soon as I’m sure Samantha’s doing better, I’ll deal with the Slovakians.
When Milo stops the SUV at the side of the apartment building, I quickly pull on the balaclava.
Marcello gets out of the vehicle with me and escorts me to the fire escape.