Page 144 of Craving Danger
Franco comes to stand beside me, and wrapping his arm around my lower back, he presses a kiss to my temple. “Do you like the ring?”
I glance down at the diamond and nod. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Franco.”
Tilting my head back, I look up at him, and seeing the happiness in his eyes, I feel it flow through my soul.
He lowers his head and brushes a tender kiss against my mouth. “I love you, baby.”
I take his glass from him and set it down on the coffee table. Turning back to my man, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug the everloving hell out of him.
His arms engulf me, and with my mouth by his ear, I whisper, “I love you too, my mystery man.”
Feeling nervous because I know how important tonight’s guests are, I check all the platters of food before I walk to the living room, where voices are rumbling.
I pause before the entrance and take a deep breath.
Via places her hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”
I nod and give her a smile. “Don’t leave my side.”
“I won’t.”
When I step forward, she places her hand on my lower back so I can feel her.
The moment I walk into the living room, Franco’s eyes lock on me. He comes toward me and gives Via a nod before he wraps his arm around my waist.
“Congratulations on your engagement, Samantha,” Dario says.
“Thank you.”
My eyes dart to the only other couple, and Franco says, “Meet Angelo and Vittoria.”
“It’s nice meeting you,” I murmur, glad there’s another woman here tonight.
While Angelo looks as intimidating as the rest of the men, Vittoria gives me a friendly smile. Seeing her baby bump, the need for my own child increases.
Yep, I officially have baby fever.
I glance at Renzo, and knowing how important he is to Franco, I say, “It’s nice to see you again, Renzo.”
His features soften as he nods.
When I turn my attention to the last of the men, a shiver creeps down my spine, and I move closer to Franco.
“This is Damiano,capo dei capi. He’s the boss of bosses.”
That explains a lot.
My voice quivers slightly as I say, “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine,” he murmurs.
Franco presses a kiss to my temple, then Renzo holds up a tumbler of whisky, saying, “To you and your mystery man.”
“Shut up,” Franco grumbles, which lightens the mood a hell of a lot as everyone chuckles.