Page 131 of Craving Danger
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Damiano’s making the last of Ivan’s men tapdance because he’s bored. Apparently, killing over twenty men isn’t exciting enough for him.” He glances into the warehouse then pats my shoulder. “You have to show me how to do that flying kick move.”
I glance up to where Dario is watching Damiano and Angelo through the scope of his sniper rifle.
“Marcello, give me my phone.”
He places it in my hand, and I dial Dario’s number.
“What’s up?”
“What are Damiano and Angelo doing?”
“Damiano just shot the last Slovakian. Now they’re signaling for our men to head out. Now they’re climbing into Angelo’s SUV. Now they’re driving toward you.”
“Christ, Dario, I didn’t ask for a play-by-play,” I snap. “Get your ass down here.”
“Anything for you, mystery man.”
I hear the fucker chuckle before I hang up on him.
Glaring at Renzo, I mutter, “I really fucking hate you for telling them about the mystery man thing.”
Chapter 42
I place the tray with coffee and cookies on the corner of Franco’s desk, and leaving his office, I take a seat behind my computer.
Where was I?
I read the last couple of lines, then continue typing the letter I have to send to the bank before ten a.m.
“Morning, Miss Blakely,” Franco suddenly mutters before heading into his office.
What the hell?
I get up from my chair, and following him into the chamber of wrath, I place my hands on my hips and scowl at him. “What was that?”
“What?” he asks as he shrugs off his jacket and hangs it over the back of the chair.
“Morning, Miss Blakely,” I do my best impersonation of him.
He does something weird with his eyes and gives me a chin lift, which only makes me frown more.
“You don’t get to be a grumpy asshole anymore,” I say as I walk closer to him, and jabbing my finger in his chest, I continue, “You don’t get to fuck m–”
A smile spreads over his face as he interrupts me. “We have company.”
He gestures to the door, and when I glance over my shoulder, I see Jenny with her jaw practically on the floor.
“Shit,” I mutter before turning away from Franco and walking to my friend.
Grabbing her hand, I pull her to the boardroom.
The moment I shut the door, she shrieks before gasping, “What? Ahhh…” She shakes her head. “What did I just see?”